Hello there!
My name is Morgan Kilgour, and I am currently a first-year student in the University of Regina’s Faculty of Education. My program of study is Secondary Education, with a major in English, and a minor in Social Studies. I believe that learning is a continuous journey. It does not matter how many years of experience you have, or what you teach. There is always something more that you can learn: not just about your students, but about yourself.
Teaching is more than simply getting up to the front of the classroom and talking about what you know. It is a social experience, and it teaches students how to explore their own sociality, beliefs, worldview, and identity. Most importantly, teaching is how we impart a collective knowledge onto younger generations, while still encouraging them to seek new understandings for themselves. Our knowledge should be constantly changing, as we are constantly changing.
I welcome you, parents, friends, peers, and fellow teachers, to participate in my learning journey. It is an experience that will have many twists and turns, and there is no way of telling where this path will take me. The one thing that I know is that I am honored to be a part of one of the most important professions on the planet.