There are so many ways of teaching and learning, that we should never feel required to teach in a box. We need to listen to students, and observe what styles of learning are meaningful to them.

• That knowledge and learning are a continuous journey. You should never settle with the understanding you have now, but instead seek our new perspectives with each new experience.

• All students are entitled to an inclusive education. No students should be given privileges or discriminated against based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, or learning disabilities.

• In working together, we come to not only better understand ourselves, but the world around us.

• Students should feel safe and welcome at school. All opinions should be welcomed and respected, as long as they do not aim to harm or otherwise attack others.

• We can no longer learn from dwelling on the past. We need to use our past to create a better future.

• All students should have an equal opportunity to learn in their way. As an English major, I do not believe that knowledge can always be quantified in a test score. Everyone has different ways of understanding course content, and we should learn to give students the opportunities to express their knowing in a way that is meaningful to them.

• We, as teachers, can learn just as much from our students as they can learn from us.

• Education is how we prevent past mistakes from happening again.