To begin the guitar journey I wanted to start with a teaching tool I am quite familiar with being TikTok. I definitely spend more time on the app then I would like to admit. TikTok has a large variety of different types of videos on it, some being great teaching tools for almost anything you are interested in learning. I have always came across a few guitar tutorial videos on the app in which I usually skip over. Having this as my learning project I now take the time to watch and learn from these videos. While on TikTok I came across this video that I knew would be a great start. It was extremely simple but I was happy to be able to learn it and have my first song in the books. I really enjoyed the picking guitar style over strumming which was a bit newer to me. I definitely want to continue to focus on this picking style and see how good I can get with it. I think this was a great way to start and am excited to continue on this learning journey!
Hello Noah!
It’s cool how you found a simple video to learn your first song. Picking over strumming sounds interesting—I’m sure you’ll master it in no time. Keep up the great work, and enjoy every step of your learning adventure!
Hi Noah,
Sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. I am glad you found a video that you didn’t skip over and you’re enjoying the learning process! Keep practicing and you’ll get better and better!
Hi Noah! Your blog is set up nicely so far! You are up to date on most of your posts, so thank you for following the Weekly Plans. By tomorrow, you do need another Learning Project post and a post about the culture of participation (Wesch). Otherwise, well done!