Bringing Your Whiteboard to Life

I was able to explore the website Videoscribe. This website allows you to create different animations mainly including whiteboard animations. It is quite easy to create your own animation within the app. Right after signing in, a short video pops up that breaks down how to use the website. There is the option to start with a blank canvas or to pick from one of their many pre-made templates for almost any kind of presentation. The presentations allows you to add text, audio, multiple scenes, images, and shapes that are all put together and played through a video.

As a pre service teacher I understand how often presentation are used within the classroom, whether that be us as teachers creating the presentation for our students or getting students to create presentations. This website can definitely be utilized within the classroom often and is a great way of reaching levels of the SAMR model. Some examples  include creating an animation for your students to teach them about a certain topic rather than the more traditional way of standing infant of the class talking to them; or getting students to create an animation on the website rather then completing worksheets or poster board presentations.

One thought on “Bringing Your Whiteboard to Life

  1. This is a great free source for teaching! Not only that, but it is also a great way for students to express their emotions through art and animation!

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