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Category: Professional Learning

Reflections on Learning and Growth Throughout the Course

Reflections on Learning and Growth Throughout the Course

As part of my ongoing commitment to fostering a collaborative learning environment, I have actively engaged with my peers through various platforms and activities. Here are some key ways I have contributed to the learning of others: The link to my summary of learning. Summary Of Learning Commenting on Classmates’ Blogs Each week, I make it a point to read and comment on at least three of my classmates’ blog posts. These comments are not just cursory acknowledgments but are…

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Exploring AI Tool Copilot

Exploring AI Tool Copilot

Personalized Learning: Copilot has the ability to create tailored content that enhances personalized learning experiences. For instance, it can generate additional practice problems based on individual performance or recommend relevant resources. By adapting to each student’s pace and learning preferences, Copilot supports a more customized approach to education. Automating Administrative Tasks: Copilot streamlines administrative burdens for educators. It can assist in creating lesson plans, generating quizzes, grading assignments, and managing schedules. By automating routine tasks, teachers gain more time for…

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Cyber Sleuthing and Digital Identity

Cyber Sleuthing and Digital Identity

For this blog post, Alora and I decided to cybersleuth each other  Alora Jephtas-Crail has a strong professional background in the performing arts, with over 15 years of training in competitive dance and performance. She has been involved with the Mini Express & The Expressions and is currently an instructor at SaskExpress, a reputable performing arts institution. Additionally, she is pursuing her studies at the University of Regina, which further underscores her commitment to her professional development in the field…

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Discovering the Joy of Coding

Discovering the Joy of Coding

For this blog post, I decided to experiment with Hour Of Code on” I decided to join the dance Party, AI Edition activity, and found it to be both engaging and educational. Below are some screenshots that capture my progress throughout the challenge, What I Learned During this activity, I learned the basics of block-based coding, which is an excellent introduction for beginners. The interface is user-friendly, and the instructions are clear, making it easy to follow along even…

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Integrating Digital Citizenship in the Classroom

Integrating Digital Citizenship in the Classroom

Increasing digital literacy in the classroom is essential for combating fake news and its associated dangers. In my subject area and grade range, teaching digital literacy could be integrated into the curriculum through various engaging and practical methods. Here’s a comprehensive approach based on the goals of the NCTE framework and insights from several key articles: Teaching Digital Literacy in the Classroom Critical Evaluation of Sources: Lesson Plan: Begin with lessons on how to critically evaluate the credibility of online…

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Navigating The Digital World

Navigating The Digital World

Approaching digital citizenship in the classroom is essential in today’s technology-driven world. Integrating the nine elements of digital citizenship into the curriculum ensures that students become responsible and informed digital citizens. My approach will start with ensuring digital access for all students, providing equitable access to technology, and encouraging the use of school resources outside of class hours for those lacking home access. Teaching digital commerce will involve educating students about the intricacies of online buying and selling, emphasizing secure…

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My Cyber Safety Experience

My Cyber Safety Experience

In my schooling, “cyber safety” and digital citizenship were primarily approached through a combination of scare tactics and basic education on proper use. Presentations on online dangers were a common method, often featuring dramatic stories and alarming statistics about cyberbullying, online predators, and identity theft. Alongside scare tactics, we were also given basic guidelines and rules about internet use. This included not sharing personal information, using strong passwords, and recognizing phishing attempts. Occasionally, workshops and classes were dedicated to understanding these…

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Our Changed World

Our Changed World

Reflecting on the changed world and the new culture of participation, as discussed in our lecture and by Michael Wesch An anthropological introduction to YouTube “The Machine is Us/ing Us,” we see a significant shift in how we approach education and schooling. The integration of technology and digital tools into our daily lives has transformed not only how we access information but also how we interact with it and each other. Future Classroom Implications In my future classroom, this means embracing…

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Exploring Animaker

Exploring Animaker

In the ever-evolving landscape of educational technology, finding innovative tools to enhance classroom experiences is crucial. This week, I delved into Animaker, an intuitive online animation tool designed to help users create professional-quality animations. This blog post will provide an overview of Animaker, basic instructions for using it, tips for maximizing its potential, and a discussion on its application in the classroom, specifically how it aligns with the SAMR model. Overview of Animaker Animaker is a cloud-based animation software that…

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The Role Of Technology in Our Daily Lives

The Role Of Technology in Our Daily Lives

Balancing Technology in Daily Life Given the significant role that technology now plays in our day-to-day lives, it’s crucial to understand how it influences our routines, both personally and academically. As a fourth-year student in the Faculty of Education, managing my tech habits has become an essential part of staying organized and productive. Here’s a look at how I navigate my digital landscape. My daily average for the number of hours I spend on my phone is averaging at 9…

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