For my learning story I decided to focus in on 5 topics that I thought helped me understand curriculum and pedagogy better. At the beginning of this course I had a very small understanding of what curriculum and pedagogy is, so it was interesting to see my thoughts change throughout. In the beginning I thought curriculum was just a legal…
Cultural Relevant Pedagogy
Making sure that I am taking in cultural relevant pedagogy into consideration is extremely important in education. One way I hope to achieve this is by allowing my students to teach me. In some cases I may not be the expert of the topic in my classroom. I need to be able to listen to different believes and ways of…
My Bias
At my high school/middle school in grade nine, students from a nearby reserve to switch over to our school. I had never had any First Nations students in my class so it was very different seeing people that weren’t white in my class. During my classes with these students I noticed most of them struggled with math and science. Therefore…
Jagged Worldviews Collided by Leroy Little Bear
In reading Leroy Little Bear’s article ” Jagged Worldviews Collided” there was one specific section that really stood out to me. The section was titled “Aboriginal and Eurocentric Values Contrasted”. At the beginning of the section it talks about how the Aboriginal culture attempts to mould their members into what they deem as the most appropriate version of themselves. Although…
Treaty Education
Treaty education is important for every student to be aware of and for every teacher to address in their classrooms. The problem with teachers not incorporating treaty education into the classroom because “There are no indigenous children in the classroom” is that just because they do not look Indigenous doesn’t mean that they are not Indigenous. I really enjoyed Dwayne…
Critical Hip Hop Pedagogy
I found this topic very interesting. Previously I had read a few of my classmates research on this topic but I know see that the information they shared with me was miniscual to the research that shows the benefits to using Hip Hop in the classroom. One line that really stuck with me was ” “Hip Hop is the dominant…
The Participatory Citizen
My grandmother spends her summers planting flower pots to be put around town. She decided to do this because she felt like the the town needed more gardenscape around town. My grandmother spent countless hours planting these flowers therefore she is a participatory citizen because she plays an active role in the community. She is also considered a participatory citizen…
What should be learned in schools?
15/10/2020 These reading this week really showed the large scale that curriculum is developed upon. One phrase that really grabbed my attention was from the reading “The Saskatchewan Way”. It talked about how curriculum is not just what the students are learning in the classroom but that curriculum is everything that is happening in the classroom, such as social skills.…
Queering the Curriculum
09/10/2020 This week I found to be very interesting. Our guest speaker Jacq Brasseur was extremely knowledgable on the subject and shared first hand experiences of a system that wasn’t built for them. During their lecture, Brasseur, spoke a lot about how there wasn’t not enough representation of LGBQT+ people in the curriculum. Children that are apart of the LGBQT+…
Good Student -A history of education, by F. V. N. Painter and Preparing Teachers for Crisis, by Kumashiro
01/10/2020 In Kumashiro’s article, it begins by telling the story of M. M is a student in the classroom that is seen as a bad student because they are unable to follow classroom instructions very well. In the beginning Kumashiro is upset and thinks that they are an unfit teacher. Throughout the story Kumashiro then notices that M can in…