ECS 203

What should be learned in schools?


These reading this week really showed the large scale that curriculum is developed upon. One phrase that really grabbed my attention was from the reading “The Saskatchewan Way”. It talked about how curriculum is not just what the students are learning in the classroom but that curriculum is everything that is happening in the classroom, such as social skills. Curriculum is much more then a sheet of paper directing what teachers teach but it is the development of children from pre-schoolers to early adulthood. This means that the curriculum activity shapes students into their future selves on a daily basis and provides students with knowledge that they may not have received otherwise.

Another phrase from “The Saskatchewan Way” was that curriculum is planned and unplanned. When going into classrooms, it is hard not to notice how much organization and planning goes into each lesson. This means that even though everything is planned out for the students to learn they will end up learning much more than the educator even realizes. For example, I cannot remember a time being sat down and learning our national anthem and yet I know it by heart now. I do not believe it is in our curriculum to have kindergartens memorize the national anthem but the majority of them would be able to sing it. They probably know it because everyday they must stand and sing O Canada at school. This is an example of the “unplanned” curriculum that educators teach students daily.

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