We’re back with a week’s progress of Volleyball. Firstly, I knew that there were multiple different versions (court, beach, and grass) but I did not realize that the fine details to train for each individual one would be different (might delve into this later on in my journey). However, after researching each individual training method, the different balls they use, and certain techniques, I realized that there were still the fundamental moves that I needed to work on because I have a baseline knowledge of them.
Bumping/Passing – the core part of this is your ‘platform’, the flat base for the ball to hit to go in the direction you want, making sure that the ball hits your forearms as you want it to hit the flattest part of your arms to get the most control. I watched this video and tried to figure out what my preferred platform was, as I’m still experimenting, I’m not sure which one I like the best yet. Another thing I needed to get out of my head (that was mentioned in the video) was that when you pass, you’re not supposed to swing your arms. Even if I was consciously trying not to swing when passing, I was still doing it a little bit and will need to work on that further, trying to focus instead on using my whole body to get the momentum to the ball.

Setting – I am super excited to learn more about this area because I think that it is the second most interesting position to play in (in my opinion – Libero being the first, but I DO NOT have the skills to do that right now). I haven’t really researched this one that much yet because I read that passing and serving in the beginning stages are probably one of the most important skills to get down before continuing, however, I do practice ‘setting form’ from time to time.

Serving – Serving has been one of the most difficult things to get into so far because I have not played a ball sport in a VERY long time, so the coordination to get a serve right is extremely hard for me, but watching Koko Volley on YouTube (this specific video) has been extremely helpful. She breaks it down into parts to practice each stage of the serve and then finally connect it all together. Since I do not have a net and am primarily practicing at home, I got the height of a normal Volleyball net and measured that out in relation to my house and figured out where I have to hit when I serve to know if I made it ‘over the net’ or not. It’s also been helpful for setting and passing because most of those require going over the net as well.
As for this week, I am going to try and practice everyday and focus on one skill during that hour+ of training, while sprinkling in a little of the other skills if I want something different. Right now I have a really cool drill for passing where my brother stands behind me and throws the ball at the wall and I have to try and pass it to the designated spot on the wall as a sort of hitter coverage drill (if our hitter gets blocked and it comes back to our side of the court). This makes me focus on reaction timing to figure out where the ball is going to go once it gets ‘blocked’ and how fast I can get into position to pass the ball back. Something else I was really interested in doing is the drill of ‘Bump, set, spike‘, and seeing how many times you can do that over and over again, as I have only been able to do 1 successfully, hopefully by the end of the week I can do 2 or more consistently!
This week for research I am going to try and look up more passing drills and more ways to serve! Overall, I’m super excited to continue practicing and getting outside since it’s been really nice lately. Thanks for joining me this week! γγ δΈε!
I am loving all that you are learning about volleyball! You will be able to use these skills as a future educator!
Hello Hailie I found your learning project so interesting and this is so awesome that your learning about volleyball! One of my favorite things to do in gym in was getting out the volleyball and playing around with my friends. Your doing a fantastic job and as you’ll be an amazing teacher with your skills in volleyball.
I really enjoyed reading your blog and how it is structured. I am still adjusting to the WordPress Platform after semesters of not using it after ECS 100. Although, soon after I started working on my first blog many different points came back to me. Although one point I’ve been trying to really focus on is the organizational process of the blog. I really like how you have paragraphs divided by different photos. I will adopt an approach similar to this for my future posts.
You caught my attention with your learning project! Volleyball! How practical, especially in education! I wish I was interested in (this) sport(s)! Volleyball hurts my wrists so I refuse to play! I did not know there were different types of volleyball (court, beach, and grass) so thanks for mentioning that- it is probably super straightforward to sport enthusiasts, but that is not me! Please keep the fun posts coming, I look forward to reading more!
Hailie! As I was looking through everybody’s blog today, I came across yours and I am sooo excited that you’re learning to play volleyball. I have played volleyball for multiple years and even got the chance to play across the country, so I’m really enjoying reading all about your progress in learning such a fun sport! I think its awesome that you like setting so much because that’s actually the position I play, I think its the best because during a game you get to touch the ball every time the ball crosses the net, whereas a middle for example gets less chances since there are 4 or 5 more hitting positions! I’m so excited to continue reading your posts!!