Digital and Online Assessment in Education

Assessment in education ideally should be as objective as possible, in order to be fair in grading the students. In recent years, aside from the traditional tools like using rubrics in assessing activities and school projects, there have been numerous assessment tools for teachers to use. Digital assessment, or online assessment has now been regularly used by schools in order to be more reliable and accurate in assessing students’ learning.

Nowadays, in the few years after the COVID-19 pandemic, many schools and universities still have online or hybrid classes from time to time. Schools and students have seen its convenience, especially during bad weather. Not only classes are online sometimes in the present time, but also assessment tools are more online or digital in the present era. According to Olurinola (n.d.) in a UNESCO article, assessment is a critical component of the educational system because it provides feedback to learners and teachers on learning progress and achievement. In recent years, digital technologies and various software have drastically revolutionized the assessment process, offering innovative ways to measure the students’ progress. Compared to the traditional model of assessment, which was mostly paper-based, the integration of technology in assessment has become more convenient and sometimes with less bias toward the learners. Teachers can leverage technological assessment in order to develop more reliable and efficient assessments that can help them further understand the students’ learning.

Mobile devices with touchscreen interface

The e-Assessment Association explains the opportunities and challenges of online assessments as follows. For the opportunities, online assessments offer 1.) flexibility and convenience as test-takers have the freedom to schedule and complete assessments according to their preferences, 2.) Immediate feedback — online assessments often offer automated grading and immediate feedback, enabling test-takers to receive prompt results, and 3.) Scalability — online assessments can be administered to large groups of students at once, which can save time and resources. This can be especially beneficial for schools, universities, and classes with large student populations.

For the challenges associated with using online assessments, the e-Assessment Association discussed that 1.) Technical issues can hinder the conduct of online assessments. Issues such as internet connectivity (or lack of stable internet connectivity) and software compatibility can disrupt the assessment process. 2.) Digital literacy — Students and sometimes even teachers who lack proper digital literacy may struggle with navigating the functionalities of online assessment platforms. They may find it challenging to locate assessments, submit responses, or access feedback. This can cause equity among the users of online assessment software.

Routh (2024) added that one other challenge that can be attributed to digital or online assessments is data privacy — a very big word in this present era. Online assessments can also pose privacy challenges. An online assessment platform normally contains personal information about students, such as names, contact information, and test results. This information can be targeted by online hackers, thus compromising student privacy and safety.

Glowing light bulb and book or text book with futuristic icon. Self learning or education knowledge and business studying concept. Idea of learning online class or e-learning at home.

In my opinion, digital assessment is the way to move forward. It is more convenient for the stakeholders, especially for the teachers, because they can further understand in a more prompt manner the students’ comprehension. However, as discussed in the preceding paragraphs, the challenges can sometimes outweigh its benefits. Thus, schools must be aware of these challenges. Furthermore, governments must craft policies in order to ensure the proper use of online assessments in schools and universities. This way, the proper implementation of digital assessments can be more beneficial for the students and teachers.

1 Comment

  1. Kavya Jindal

    Hi Raul,
    Your blog response captures the essence of the evolving landscape of educational assessments, particularly in the context of increased reliance on digital tools. The shift towards online assessments, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has indeed brought about significant changes and opportunities in how students’ learning progress is evaluated.
    Your perspective on the necessity of policies to mitigate these challenges is insightful. Governments and educational institutions must collaborate to establish guidelines and frameworks that promote the secure and equitable use of digital assessments.

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