A Reluctant Blogger’s First Post

Hello! Welcome to my very first blog post. Spoiler alert: I’ve never blogged before, and to be honest, I am still a bit hesitant. But here we are! I figured I’d embrace this new adventure with a healthy dose of curiosity and maybe just a little awkwardness- which I am pretty good at.

So, first of all, a little about me: Whether I’m crafting on canvas or stirring up something in the kitchen, creativity is the heartbeat of my life. I believe every masterpiece, whether visual, culinary, spoken or written, is a reflection of the soul’s story. As Picasso once said, “Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life.” So let’s get dusting!

Of all my creations, my greatest works of art are my two beautiful children—Aubrey and Colten. They are the joy in my journey, constantly surprising me with their wisdom and wonder. Every day with them is a lesson, a laugh, and a love that keeps growing.

Music is my go-to therapy, a rhythm that mirrors my emotions. From soulful ballads to electric beats, I enjoy a playlist as diverse as my moods. The right song at the right moment can be pure magic. And just like music, I love losing myself in the pages of a great book. Lewis Carroll is my favourite guide through the looking glass of fiction, but I’m always on the hunt for a new story to explore. So, if you’ve got a must-read or a song that moves you, don’t hesitate to share!

I’m no stranger to educational technology. I’ve tinkered with a few tools here and there, like using online platforms for learning, such as Khan Academy, Kahoot!, Instagram, Audible, and YOUTUBE, to name a few. I also know how to use Canva, Google Drive, and Onedrive. I also use social online platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. Most recently I have been following Dr. Lori Frieson on both Instagram and FaceBook. It is a platform that provides great advice about classroom management strategies for beginning teachers. So, I wouldn’t call myself an expert. But instead, I like to think of myself as an explorer—occasionally lost but always finding something new along the way.

Now, let’s talk about blogging. I’ve always thought of it as writing in a public diary, where you share your thoughts with the world (scary!). The idea of opening up like this made me a bit uncomfortable at first. What do I say? Will anyone even care? But maybe blogging can be less about perfection and more about just sharing an honest voice.

So, here I am, dipping my toes into the blogging waters. Let’s see where this goes! Maybe I’ll even start to like it…

PS: Here is a picture of my dog Roxy. I hope she brings some joy to your day (:

4 thoughts on “A Reluctant Blogger’s First Post

  1. I feel you on the reluctance to blogging, I too struggle with this, as I’m not super techy. Your page looks wonderful and it looks like your rocking this new adventure. It was great to learn a bit about you and hopefully we can see some of your artistic works along the way.

    1. Hi Angela, it’s tough putting yourself out there hey! Especially when it will be out there, FOREVER!! As some smart person probably said before me, “get comfortable with being uncomfortable”. So here is to getting real uncomfortable, together. Cheers!

  2. Robin, I would never have guessed you were a reluctant blogger. Your writing seems so natural, and it was so entertaining to read! I think blogging suits you quite well so far! I am eager to read more of your blogs throughout this class! P.S Roxy seems like a pretty cool doggo 🙂

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