Spaces Places and Boundaries

I enjoy being outside with my family. Here are pictures of our open spaces, places and boundaries. In the raw, organic environment of nature, we are free to explore and learn. During the summer months we spend most of our time together out camping at our second home at Buffalo Pound Lake.

Sometimes, we need to be spontaneous and go where our heart tells us to in life. This was a path I just chose to go down and it led me to a beautiful sunset. The unknown can be beautiful, we need to just give it a chance

Sometimes, we need to be spontaneous and go where our heart tells us to in life. I allowed my heart to choose this path to walk on, and it led me to a beautiful sunset. The unknown can be beautiful, we need to just give it a chance

Here is our campfire pictured at night. This is a calm space full of invitation. This invites my family to be their true authentic selves. It invites them to share with me what is important to them. It invites us to sit quietly and listen to each other talk. It invites us to be silly by telling funny stories. It invites us to be creative to tell imaginary stories. It invites us to bond and strengthen our relationship with each other.

My son loves rainbows and we just happened to see a double rainbow this day, and he wanted his picture taken with it. Being outside makes him happy and feel free to be who he is. In this space he is invited to play and move and learn from the natural environment.

Trees are my daughter’s favorite place to hang out. She enjoys being up high and able to see things from a different perspective. This space invites her to be spontaneous, and silly. This space allows her to be reflective of her surroundings and thoughts.

This is one of my favorite pictures. Sometimes we get so caught up in life that we forget to take a minute to put our feet up, relax and really see what is in front of us. At this moment the sky was so beautiful looking, it was definitely worth taking the time to relax and seize the moment. This invites us to stop and see what is really in front of our eyes.

As a teacher it is important to establish an inclusive, accepting and hospitable learning space that extends an invitation to all. A space with open boundaries, a place that offers raw, organic opportunities for enriched learning, and encourages students to follow their hearts. An environment that is safe and equitable for all students. When I plan the classroom I will teach in, I will make sure it is representative of the spirit of the places and spaces my family and I can feel open, free and invited to be our best selves in.