Online Course for Math 10WA

February 7, 2024 4 By Sarah Clarke

Over the past 2 weeks I have been chasing my tail trying to decide what course I will design for this assignment. I currently have three ADDIE templates open on my google documents and I am determined to design online courses for my Wellness 10 and Math 9 classes (in the near future). Remind you – I am on maternity leave and have some extra time! Due to deadlines in this class (EC&I 834), I need more time to design these courses and figure out HOW learning will occur and WHAT assessments will be used to support student learning in the most appropriate way. 


Right now I had to think about what is needed in my school, and how this course will support students in mathematics.


I chose to create an online course for students to recover a grade 10 credit in the workplace and apprenticeship math stream. Every year when I teach this class, I have students fail the course because they are unable to keep up with classroom content, or have been removed from class as a result of violating the school’s attendance policy, or students have quit coming to class due to personal reasons. I believe students who have failed this course should be given another opportunity to try again; whether that is enrolling in another face-to-face Math 10WA class with a teacher, or completing the required modules online (on their own).


To view my full course profile and planning template, click here.