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Author: Sarah Sweet

Excel Obstacle Course??

Excel Obstacle Course??

This week I found an excel obstacle course. Which is actually a super fin way to learn shortcuts on excel. If you want to check this out it can be downloaded from the ExcelObstacleCourse YouTube channel!! I began by navigating through the various pages. I started by deleting columns and rows with only the keyboard as a tool. I learned that shift and space bar together will highlight an entire row, then to delete it I simply had to use…

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Cyber Safety!! We Should all Know About it

Cyber Safety!! We Should all Know About it

The topic of cyber safety was actually never addressed (that I can remember) in school. My parents and friends’ parents would talk to us about how to stay safe online when we played games and such. My parents used the education in proper use approach and I do think that it has helped me to have a limited digital footprint. I think that the scare approach would be one of the worst ways to teach about cyber safety, to me…

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Our Changed World

Our Changed World

In the video Wesch talks about how as an anthropologist he is always looking at how things can be reconsidered, things meaning concepts like authority, love, privacy and identity to name a few. The new culture of the inclusion of the digital world has had notable impacts like the creation of new laws and bills to protect the things mentioned above. In particular when I think about the classroom that I may have one day I am brought back to…

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Getting the Hang of Excel

Getting the Hang of Excel

So this week I thought I would watch a series of tiktok videos from a creator named Mike Tholfsen. He has hundreds of videos (give or take) that discuss helpful tricks or cool aspects of Excel. His videos are able to show how exactly you can follow the steps to acquire the desired results. I am not someone who does well with vague instructions so his videos were the best ones that I found. I was also asked by my…

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NearPod – A New Way to Teach??

NearPod – A New Way to Teach??

I decided to check out NearPod this week. I actually found it super easy to use, and it has so many tutorials built into the site. NearPod can create interactive presentations where the teacher is able to see the answers that students are giving in real time – including the data of what is/was understood, essentially providing instant diagnostic assessment opportunities. It can take the typical slideshow and elevate it in ways that would never be possible without technology integration….

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The Power of Formulas and Functions!

The Power of Formulas and Functions!

The past two weeks I have been focusing on learning about formulas and functions on Excel. I am combining two sources for this, first I looked at the Microsoft support website, then I watched some videos on YouTube. I started by watching a video from Kevin Stratvert titled Excel Formulas and Functions Tutorial, then I watched a more in depth video from The Organic Chemistry Tutor (who I have used a lot for my university courses). The video was titled…

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My Digital Habits

My Digital Habits

I find that I check my email one million times a day, I have several accounts for work and school which means I get a lot of emails, most of which don’t really matter. I also use urcourses a lot as well, for obvious reasons. For school and work I use BonPatron, which is a French grammar website, similar to Grammarly, it focuses on conjugation and registers in writing. I use my calendar app on my phone and laptop to…

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My Experience With Educational Technology

My Experience With Educational Technology

Hi all! My name is Sarah Sweet and I am not strong with technology, when I was in high school one of my teachers made us use technology constantly and I had a hard time using it. This class will hopefully help me to be better at understanding the use of technology in the classroom and help me to teach using technology. In my most recent ESCI course, my profs showed us some great places to find science activities online….

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Embark on an Excel Journey!!

Embark on an Excel Journey!!

For my learning project I have chosen to learn more about Microsoft excel. I have always found it to be so interesting when people can create elaborate worksheets, and I felt that since this class was about technology I should finally learn to use excel. This is also an inexpensive skill that does take time to learn, so while I have an opportunity to learn I probably should. As it currently stands I don’t have many capabilities with Excel beyond…

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