Let Me Show You Who I Am

Hello Folks,

Here is my little creative Mapping introduction, which I used during one of my courses.

My name is Sunaina. I use she/her/hers pronounce. I moved to Canada in March 2022 from a small town in India. I have a Master’s in Biological science but I got into teaching right after I finished my master’s. I was a biology and chemistry teacher for 6 years back in India. Now even after moving to Canada, I want to pursue my passion for teaching as my profession. So, I am enrolled in B.Ed. AD. in the University of Regina.

I am not much of a technology person. If you would believe it, this blog site is part of the coursework I took this semester (Fall’2022). Sounds fun right..!

I can be reached by email at sro746[at] uregina [dot] ca. or via my socialĀ  media handle below

As I proceed into EDTC 300, I will be posting more blogs, and hopefully, get into the habit of posting more often. I am also planning to use this space to collect knowledge base from other courses as well. Since B.Ed is full of very writing-intensive courses; I got a lot to add here already.