What Now?

Welcome to my site! I started this page with the intention of making it a ‘home base’ for social action project ideas for the classroom. After being educated about marginalized groups in society and the inequality that is so prevalent on a global scale, I have consistently been asking myself one question. I do agree that educating oneself and having informed discussions about the issues is the first step, but it is following this that I feel people do not know what to do next, especially with regard to physically taking action. This directly connects to social studies because you will have students who will feel it is ‘enough’ to just be aware of inequality issues, but then you will also have students who will want to be directly involved in steps towards change. I am one of the latter students that I have just described, and I want to know what now? My goal for this page is to answer this question in the form of a resource package. I want there to be clear resources and project ideas that teachers can bring into their classrooms, where all students can become actively involved in pushing the change for social justice. I want to reach the little activists in all of my students and show them that even the smallest action, can bring about big change.