My First Blog in EC&I:830 (Use of technology in daily life)

My “day in the life” consists of chatting on WhatsApp, Instagram, and Snapchat with people, answering questions, and providing information. Here is a breakdown of how I use technology, education, and learning in my daily routine.

Like others, I use various technology tools such as computers, tablets, mobile phones, and other gadgets. For example, use laptops to watch movies, make assignments, and other fun activities. The laptop also helps me to organize and store important documents, and communicate with parents. Sometimes, I use educational apps and games to engage the children in learning as I am working in a daycare. In the workplace, I take pictures of kids’ activities when they are going to a waterpark or any other place and share the pictures with their parents. By sharing these photos with parents, we provide them a glimpse into our everyday activities and help them stay involved in their child’s educational path.

How I Connect with Others:

  1. Email: Through email, I share important updates about schedules, events, and activities at the daycare. It’s also a primary method for addressing any concerns or questions that parents have regarding their children’s progress or wellbeing.
  1. Messaging Apps: My parents, friends, and other family members can be connected quickly and effectively with the help of messaging apps. Instant updates, question-asking, and ongoing interaction are all made possible by these apps.
  2. Video Calls: For me, as an international student living far away from home, video chats are essential to maintaining connections with my family. Real-time communication with my loved ones allows me to stay emotionally connected and overcome distance.

Technology helps me stay organized, makes learning fun for the kids, and keeps me connected with my parents, friends and my loved ones.

3 thoughts on “My First Blog in EC&I:830 (Use of technology in daily life)

  1. Hi Taranpreet,
    Of all the forms of communication through social media, video call is my favourite. I remember over 13-15 years ago, when I didn’t have access to video calls, I would spend a lot of money to connect with my parents and sisters. We would always rush through conversations because the more we were on the phone, the more money we would spend. Nowadays, we can take our time, see each other and, more importantly, not pay extra money. I love this, and I am so grateful to technology and to whoever invented the video calls.

  2. Thanks Ilda for reading my blog. Definately, 10-15 years ago its hard to stay far away from our parents. Because on that time there was nothing these things such as Whatsapp and Instagram. Today, technology make the life more easier and its easy to communicate with our parents and loved ones.

  3. Great blog post! As I was reading through your post I recognized that I completely forgot to mention my daily use of social media! I use it personally, and also to post happenings for our School Facebook as well.
    Do you not use any social media, or like me, just didn’t include in your blog?

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