Welcome to my Yoga Mind&Body Journey

May 17, 2022 0 By ABBY LYNNES

Welcome to my learning project journey! I have been wanting to learn more about yoga for quite some time now, but I never made the time for it in my day. This project is my incentive to practice doing yoga more often and hopefully become a yogi master by the end of spring. I am only a beginner yogi at the moment with very little knowledge, so it will be awesome to create a structured schedule to work on my yoga. There are many different types of yoga to explore, with many different health benefits, and my focus for this week will be to work on one of the classics called the sun salutation. I will be using a book that my grandma gave to me for my birthday last month, called Yoga Mind & Body written by the Sivananda Yoga Center, to use as a guide for my practices. 

What is Yoga? “Yoga is a way of life, an integrated system of education for the body, mind, and inner spirit. Yoga is a practical aid, not religion, and techniques may be practiced by Buddhists, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, and atheists alike. Yoga is union with all. There are three bodies in yoga: the physical body known as the Annamaya kosha, the causal body called the “karana sharira”, and the astral body, which is in every living being.

I can’t wait to take you guys on this journey with me! This project makes me even more excited to use my yoga mat that I just got recently. I may look like an expert to some people from afar because I am using an expensive mat.. but don’t be fooled, it was gifted to me from my brother for my birthday that was at the end of April. My yogi skills are not (yet) worthy of a Lululemon mat. Haha!