The Sun Salutation

May 19, 2022 0 By ABBY LYNNES

All sessions of Yoga asanas begin with the Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation. This warm-up exercise consists of a sequence of 12 positions that promotes flexibility, regulates the breath, and focuses the mind. Once the positions have been learned, it is important to synchronize the movements with the breath. 

The 12 steps are:

1). Standing upright, bring the palms together into a Prayer position. This is called the pranamasana pose, which helps release tension from the shoulders and relaxes the mind. 

2). Inhale and stretch the arms up above the head, pushing the hips forward and the head back. This pose is called Urdhva Hastasana, which helps stretch out the spine, neck, and core.

3). Coming into the uttanasana pose while exhaling, bring the hands down to the floor on each side of the feet. 

4). Inhale into ashwa sanchalanasana pose, and stretch the right leg back and drop the knee to the floor. 

5). While holding the breath, bring the other leg back to be in a plank position (known as phalakasana). This pose strengthens the whole body and boosts energy levels. 

6). Exhale while bending the knees, placing the forehead on the floor into ashtanga namaskara. 

7). Inhale while pulling the hips forward and arch the head, into the Cobra (bhujangasana) pose. 

8). Exhale coming into adho mukha svanasana, also known as downward dog (inverted V position). This pose is my personal favorite. This pose helps spinal decompression and elongates it. 

9). Inhale into ashwa sanchalanasana pose, stretching the left leg back and dropping the knee to the floor. 

10). While exhaling, bring the foot forward, into uttanasana.

11). Inhale into urdhva hastasana pose, stretching the arms above the head, pushing the hips forward and the head back.

12). Last but not least, exhale as you return to the starting position, the pranamasana pose. This pose helps us feel balanced and relaxes the mind. 

It is recommended to practice Surya Namaskar 6-12 cycles every day. 

This practice is great for beginner yogis. I really enjoy this practice because all levels and ages can participate in this warm-up. It is a great way to gain flexibility and get the blood pumping! The Sun Salutation is mainly utilized for increasing energy and awareness levels. I found it really interesting to learn more in depth about Sun Salutations and what the benefits are.