How to do Sirshasana ~ Headstand Pose

May 26, 2022 0 By ABBY LYNNES

Hello everyone! This week I will be focusing on my Shirshasana posture, also known as the yoga headstand. The headstand is often referred to as the King of the Asanas because of its mental and physical benefits. 

Physical benefits:

1). Gives the heart a well deserved rest, as gravity helps return blood to the heart. 

2). Helps strengthen the respiratory system and slows down the rate of the heartbeat when at rest. 

3). Refreshes the body through deep breathing. 

4). Brings a supply of nutrients to the brain and nervous system.

5). Relieves varicose veins. 

Mental benefits:

1). Increases memory and concentration.

2). Enhances the sensory faculties. 

I would recommend working on preparatory exercises before diving straight into headstands. The dolphin is a great pose to start off with because it strengthens the arms and shoulders, and will help with holding the headstand position properly. 

I began in childs pose, resting my forehead on the floor and allowing my body to relax and sink down into this position. I then clasped my hands together on the floor to form a tripod position while placing my head against my hands. Without moving my head, I raised my hips up to form an inverted “V”. I walked my feet forward toward my face until my hips were over my head and slowly lifted my feet off the floor. It’s important to remember that 90% of the body weight should be on the elbows. 

There are many variations that help improve flexibility, concentration, and balance. Bringing the legs out to sides, legs to front and back, and extending arms will increase the difficulty. It is recommended that you learn how to hold the basic headstand for at least three minutes, and then you can add variations.