Digital Citizenship

June 21, 2022 0 By ABBY LYNNES

Digital citizenship education in Saskatchewan was created for students and educators to be able to use technology safely and effectively in and outside the classroom. “Supporting students of all grade levels and through all subjects to learn appropriate and responsible online behavior through integration of digital citizenship instruction will help ensure that children and youth in the digital age become responsible and principled digital citizens, capable of building and maintaining positive digital footprint, respecting intellectual property boundaries and protecting their privacy online” (2015. Couros & Hildebrandt). 

Ribble’s nine elements of digital citizenship address that: 

  1. Educators need to be aware of their students’ digital access. Ensuring students have access, not only in school but at home as well. 
  2. Focusing on tools and safeguards to assist those who are buying, selling, and banking in the digital space. 
  3. Users will learn how to share their thoughts so that others understand. Digital communication and collaboration can help students find their own voices and express themselves.
  4. Ensuring digital etiquette by incorporating it in academic goals or classroom rules. 
  5. Creating awareness around “fake news” from real news. The more digitally fluent students are, the more likely they are to make good decisions online. 
  6. Digital health and welfare; making sure students screen time is fitting the times and appropriate.
  7. Addressing online issues, such as cyberbullying and sexting to protect those using digital devices from harm. 
  8. Helping students understand the importance of protecting others both online and in the real world. 
  9. Being aware of electronic precautions and attacks (viruses, worms, and other bots) to guarantee safety. 

Integrating digital citizenship in the classroom at an early age will help prevent bullying and cyberbullying that students may encounter. Digital Citizenship from Kindergarten to Grade 12 outlines what the student will understand and do. Kindergarten to Grade 2, outlines that students will:

Students will understand.. “We must treat others the way we wish to be treated, both in real life and when using technology”. 

Students will.. “Demonstrate that they are aware of others around them when using technology and control the volume of their devices”. 

Students will.. “Always ask permission before taking photos or videos of others”. 

Students will.. “Exchange appropriate messages, either online or in person, to recognize that they are communicating with actual people in both instances”. 

In Saskatchewan’s curriculum outcome for kindergarten it outlines:

CRK.1 “Comprehend and respond to variety of visual, oral, print, and multimedia texts that address identity (e.g.,exploring interests), community (e.g., belonging), and social responsibility (e.g.,contributing)”. 

Implementing digital citizenship posters in the classroom 

Work Cited

Couros & Hildebrandt. (2015). Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools. Saskatchewan Ministry of Education.


Government of Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Curriculum. English Language Arts K. Saskatchewan Ministry of Education.

Government of Saskatchewan. Digital Citizenship Continuum from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Saskatchewan Ministry of Education.

Ribble, M. (2017). Digital Citizenship. Using Technology Appropriately.