Why to Incorporate Yoga in the Classroom

June 22, 2022 0 By ABBY LYNNES

14 Amazing Benefits Of Yoga In Schools

  1. Reduces stress and anxiety

Yoga helps dealing with stress and brings back some peace of mind.

  1. Improves memory and attention span

“Yoga helps to improve the memory function in both adults and children, a direct benefit of which would be a better academic performance in children. It also helps to improve children’s attention span and focus. In fact, yoga aids children suffering from ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) as well by reducing its core symptoms such as inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsivity” (JBCN, 2017). 

  1. Helps to manage weight

Children spend long hours sitting in a desk and tend to consume a lot of junk food. Yoga helps to counterbalance this lifestyle. 

  1. Improves flexibility, balance, and posture
  2. Teaches correct breathing techniques 

Breathing is fundamental to life and is directly related to our overall well-being. Good breathing can help students handle stress in a positive way.

  1. Promotes mindfulness

By getting students to focus on their breath and can help to be in the present. Mindfulness can help students to be more relaxed and less anxious. 

  1. Encourages self-love and self-care 

Yoga promotes healing from the inside and teaches how to respect and love their own bodies – this is especially useful for young children who are constantly advertised with image ideas on social media. 

  1. Helps to bring peace of mind

Students learn how to handle anxiety and manage problems they may face effectively. 

  1. Improves self control 

Through controlled breathing and controlled movement, promotes students to not react impulsively even in an emotional state.

  1. Reduces absences and violence in school

Through self control and balanced temperament, students are less likely to pick fights with other classmates over small issues. 

  1. Enhances coping skills

Yoga helps teach students how to correctly cope with stress and how to manage it. 

  1. Boosts immunity and improves physical appearance 

Yoga helps promote blood circulation and boosts immunity by preventing attacks from different viruses and bacteria by increasing the levels of antibodies. 

  1. Improves the quality of sleep 

Yoga allows the body and mind to relax, which creates a better quality in their sleep. With better sleep, children can focus better in class and play more actively. 

  1. Increases self-confidence and self-esteem 

Students learn how to build strength, endurance, and the mind-body connection. When confidence is attained on the mat, it then is carried in the classroom. 


JBCN International School. (2017). Cambridge Assessment International Education. 
