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Category: Learning Project

The End Is In Sight

The End Is In Sight

The last fourteen weeks have flown by! It feels like we were just in January getting started to take on a learning project journey. Here we are, in the last week of the semester, doing our learning project reflection. I took this learning project assignment as a time to take on my dream hobby of photography. My only experience with photography is using my cellphone camera, so I was ecstatic when my DSLR camera arrived. I’ve wanted to learn to…

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It’s Gonna Cost Ya

It’s Gonna Cost Ya

We’re nearing the end of the learning project assignment, so I wanted to create a way to display my favourite photographs I have taken. As I was searching for a website to create a portfolio, Adobe Portfolio popped up in the search. Adobe Portfolio is a user-friendly, aesthetically pleasing platform where you can create an online portfolio to showcase your work.  I should have read some reviews because after spending a lot of time creating my portfolio, I realized that…

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CapCut Video Editing

CapCut Video Editing

CapCut is a video-editing website I found to document one aspect of my learning project. Part of photography is showcasing the photos you’ve taken, and one way to do that is through videos. The inspiration for my video was the paper flipbooks you drew as a kid and flipped through quickly to “animate” it. I started by scouting a location and using my sister as a prop (she consented!). Next, I adjusted the settings on my camera. It was a sunny…

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Snap, Crackle & Pop

Snap, Crackle & Pop

Part of photography is learning how to edit the photos you have taken. There is an editing tool called Snapseed for practicing editing. As I was getting ready to use Snapseed, I learned that the app is not supported on Macbooks, which I hoped it was. I wanted a tool I could use on my Macbook so I would have a large screen to stare at. I later found that you can download an Android Emulator and then download Snapseed….

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You Used to Call Me on my Cellphone

You Used to Call Me on my Cellphone

So you’re probably thinking, is getting a DSLR camera worth it? Or can I just use my cellphone? Well, I can’t speak for Android phones, but my iPhone can take some pretty decent photos. However, something sparks my creativity while holding my DSLR camera, but I appreciate the convenience of my iPhone. A cellphone camera automatically adjusts, and you can take a photo at a whim. With a DSLR camera, while you can use the Scene Intelligent Auto, we are…

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In Search Of photography tips

In Search Of photography tips

In photography, ISO does not stand for “in search of” but rather “International Organization for Standardization” – that’s a mouthful! There’s a long history of why it is called ISO, but I won’t bore you with the details.  ISO brightens or darkens a photo or—as we’ve already learned—the level of exposure. An increase in ISO makes an image brighter, and a decrease makes the image darker. ISO helps a lot when you’re photographing in darker environments.  As you increase the…

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Opposite Day

Opposite Day

Aperture is an integral part of photography but can be confusing at first to work with. It is best to think of it in opposites. I’ll explain this further shortly.  Photography Life describes aperture similarly to how our eyes work: “As you move between bright and dark environments, the iris in your eyes either expands or shrinks, controlling the size of your pupil.” Aperture allows or limits the amount of light and determines exposure (see the last blog on shutter…

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Shutter…Not to be Mistaken by Shudder

Shutter…Not to be Mistaken by Shudder

One great feature of a DSLR camera is that you can use the Scene Intelligent Auto mode as a beginner and get great photos. But now it’s time to pull up my big girl pants and learn more about my camera’s manual functions. To get great images with the manual mode, there are three camera settings to be aware of: Shutter Speed Aperture ISO This post is all about shutter speed! What is shutter speed? Shutter speed is how long…

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The Lost Art

The Lost Art

We’re a few weeks into learning a new skill using online sources for our learning project, and I’ve already hit a wall. I am lacking the motivation and inspiration to continue with photography. This art form is not as easy as I thought! It also doesn’t help that everything outside is covered in a white blanket of snow. But I bought this camera and need to make the most of it. So this begs the question – what do you…

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When Life Gives You a Lime

When Life Gives You a Lime

Wow, there is so much to learn about photography! I’ve been playing around with my camera this week using the Scene Intelligent Auto option, but as I progress, I want to be able to use the manual function. The Scene Intelligent Auto function produces good basic photos, but the manual function allows you to make your own adjustments. While YouTube is not a new online source for me, I thought it would be best to get more acquainted with my…

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