It’s Me, Mario!

It’s Me, Mario!

For this blog post, I participated in an Hour of Code activity. The activity I chose was called Mario’s Secret Adventure, where I created the code to help Mario collect coins and diamonds while avoiding enemies. Here’s the proof of my coding! I thought this activity and how Hour of Code is set up would be fairly accessible. I have minimal experience with coding and was a little nervous, but Hour of Code broke down coding into ten manageable steps….

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Digital Citzenship

Digital Citzenship

I don’t remember if my teachers ever taught me about cyber safety. I know I for sure never learned about digital citizenship, as this class was the first time I learned about it. I only remember learning about cyber safety was not sending money to the Nigerian prince emails. My school took a hands-off approach to teaching about cyber safety and left parents in charge of educating their children. My parents didn’t know much about the risks of the internet,…

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In Search Of photography tips

In Search Of photography tips

In photography, ISO does not stand for “in search of” but rather “International Organization for Standardization” – that’s a mouthful! There’s a long history of why it is called ISO, but I won’t bore you with the details.  ISO brightens or darkens a photo or—as we’ve already learned—the level of exposure. An increase in ISO makes an image brighter, and a decrease makes the image darker. ISO helps a lot when you’re photographing in darker environments.  As you increase the…

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Opposite Day

Opposite Day

Aperture is an integral part of photography but can be confusing at first to work with. It is best to think of it in opposites. I’ll explain this further shortly.  Photography Life describes aperture similarly to how our eyes work: “As you move between bright and dark environments, the iris in your eyes either expands or shrinks, controlling the size of your pupil.” Aperture allows or limits the amount of light and determines exposure (see the last blog on shutter…

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Shutter…Not to be Mistaken by Shudder

Shutter…Not to be Mistaken by Shudder

One great feature of a DSLR camera is that you can use the Scene Intelligent Auto mode as a beginner and get great photos. But now it’s time to pull up my big girl pants and learn more about my camera’s manual functions. To get great images with the manual mode, there are three camera settings to be aware of: Shutter Speed Aperture ISO This post is all about shutter speed! What is shutter speed? Shutter speed is how long…

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Like, Comment, Subscribe

Like, Comment, Subscribe

The first video I ever saw on YouTube was Charlie the Unicorn in 2006. I had some friends who used YouTube around that time, but I didn’t spend much time on it. However, when I attended college between 2010-2012, YouTube became extremely popular, and I still quote many of those videos to this day…insert the bed intruder song… Now, I use YouTube to learn how to do something, follow along on people’s travel vlogs, or listen to classical music playlists…

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The Lost Art

The Lost Art

We’re a few weeks into learning a new skill using online sources for our learning project, and I’ve already hit a wall. I am lacking the motivation and inspiration to continue with photography. This art form is not as easy as I thought! It also doesn’t help that everything outside is covered in a white blanket of snow. But I bought this camera and need to make the most of it. So this begs the question – what do you…

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When Life Gives You a Lime

When Life Gives You a Lime

Wow, there is so much to learn about photography! I’ve been playing around with my camera this week using the Scene Intelligent Auto option, but as I progress, I want to be able to use the manual function. The Scene Intelligent Auto function produces good basic photos, but the manual function allows you to make your own adjustments. While YouTube is not a new online source for me, I thought it would be best to get more acquainted with my…

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The Limit Does Not Exist

The Limit Does Not Exist

Hi, my name is Ashley, and I’m addicted to my phone… I used to be good with my phone and only use it when needing to communicate with others. However, during Covid-19, I developed a horrible addiction to using technology. I’ve lived two extremes of phone use in a matter of 10 years. When I travelled to Papua New Guinea, I had little to no access to technology for six whole weeks. I only used my phone to take pictures…

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Picture This!

Picture This!

Say cheese! For my EDTC300 learning project, I will learn about photography using a DSLR camera. My experience with photography is my iPhone and using the silly filters on Snapchat, so I am very excited to embark on a photography journey. While smartphone cameras are improving with each new model, there is something more artsy and sophisticated about using a DSLR camera (in my opinion). I would like to introduce you to my new camera… …but I can’t remember its…

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