Summary of Learning

It’s hard to believe we’re already at the end of this course! I have learned a lot in this course and really enjoyed digging into some new technology and reflecting upon how I can implement it in my blended learning classroom. To summarize my learning, I took a risk and tried out Animaker to make an animated video for my final presentation. This proved to be another fun, but also challenging adventure on my content creation journey in this class. I had a lot of fun using Animaker, only to realize once I was done that I couldn’t download the full-length video using the free version! So I borrowed an idea from one of our class discussions, and used Screencastify to record my video. I’m a little sad that some video quality was lost in the recording, but not sad enough to pay for Animaker! I have included two links to my Summary of Learning video to help you access it; the Animaker viewing link that works, but is a little slow to load and the YouTube recording below.


5 Replies to “Summary of Learning”

  1. Chantal Stenger says: Reply

    I love the platform that you chose. I have never used Animaker before, but I will have to look into it because your video turned out great.

  2. Jashandeep Kaur says: Reply

    Hey Amy! You have made an amazing video with the help of Animaker. It’s a totally new experience towards learning. And yes, I agree you with video quality in recording, I also tried it but it effects the quality of the video.

  3. Graeme Gieni says: Reply

    Great Job Amy! The video is top notch and love the layout of it, super engaging.

  4. Hey Amy
    Great job. your video is incredible. I really like your video and I love that you used Animaker Moreover, the presentation and visuals that you used in this video made it awesome.

  5. Hey Amy
    Great job. your video is incredible. I love that you used Animaker and this is quite different then other videos. Moreover, the presentation and visuals that you used in this video made it awesome.

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