• EC&I 832

    Thread-ful Thinking

    I briefly discussed Indigenous epistemologies in one of my previous blog posts, Culturally Responsive Digital Identity. I highlighted how I am responsible for my epistemology, places and ways of knowing, and remembering what is valuable about knowledge vs. knowing. Essentially, Indigenous epistemologies help me to use language to interpret and communicate ideas. This week, I want to dive a little…

  • EC&I 832

    Dreaming of Media Literacy Fluency

    This week, I explored the concept of media literacy, which is defined by the National Association for Media for Literacy Education as “the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create, and act using all forms of communication” (What is Media Literacy? Media Literacy Defined, n.d.). When I initially read over this definition, it reminded me of when I was living in…

  • EC&I 832

    Culturally Responsive Digital Identity

    This week, I am going to explore a topic that I find difficult to grasp and headache-causing: my digital identity in an Indigenous context. In this blog post, I am going to attempt to explore the intersectionality of my Indigenous digital identity and strategies for a digital identity that is culturally responsive to place. I was taught I was culturally…

  • EC&I 832

    Lost in Cyberspace? Turn Your Digital GPS On!

    In a world where computer screens are now the windows to the world, digital citizenship has evolved from a buzzword to a crucial concept. Ribble’s Nine Elements of digital citizenship is at the forefront of this, which acts as a trusty GPS for navigating the digital realm and keeps us from taking a wrong turn. As an educator, I have…

  • EC&I 832

    Choose Your Own Adventure: The Future of Education

    In a world where change is the only constant, educators have started to ponder and share their perspectives on what education might look like in the not-so-distant future. This week, I read Laura McClure’s Ted-Ed blog about the future of education. McClure imagines a place where the traditional classroom structure, with its rows of desks and educator-led lectures, becomes an…

  • EC&I 832

    Navigating Sharenting in Education

    This week in EC&I 821, we looked at media literacy and how digital citizenship should be taught to all ages, so people can effectively navigate the digital world responsibly. Although this week we focused on younger students currently in classrooms, I could not stop thinking back to when the internet and social media first became accessible to millennials and the…