My mom and dad were both teachers. My mom taught for thirty years at the elementary level while my dad taught for more than thirty years and had experience in elementary, middle and high school with the majority of his career spent in high school. My maternal grandmother was a teacher as well!
I loved school and always wanted to be there. I loved learning when I was five and I still love learning today!
Because of my deep roots in education, after working for many years as an Educational Assistant, I was encouraged by my principal to consider completing my Bachelor of Education degree. I think the craziest part of her suggestion was that I didn’t think it was crazy! My principal at that time came into my life at a moment when I needed her most. Having come off one of the hardest years of my life thanks to losing my dad and having Covid hit mere weeks later, her welcoming, encouraging and compassionate energy was exactly what I needed in my life!
My focus is Pre-K to Grade 5 Elementary Education, but I am comfortable in classrooms with grade 8 students although the high school students intimidate me just a little bit (even though I am mom to two high schoolers)!
I do consider myself a bit of an “old school” thinker and teacher, but my goal is to create a classroom environment that is welcoming and have my space be the place where each of my students wants to come back to each and every school day. I want my students to love school and learning as much as I did when I was a kid! I love science, but I also love language and I hope that I will inspire my students to be creative thinkers and engaged learners throughout their education careers!