Digital Literacy and My Students

Hey there!!

As you know, this week we discussed digital literacy, how to spot a troll, suspicious links, and fake news. When it comes time for me to teach, my ideal class would be grade 2. If I were to discuss digital literacy with my students, I feel like I would take the approach we did together in class and alter it. It would be a brain break activity, think Where’s Waldo, but instead, it’s “Which is Photoshopped?”. Approaching it this way allows the student to look out for what’s potentially fake on the internet while still engaging in a fun activity. Sitting children down and being like “SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY” is a surefire way for them to either become terrified of the internet or just lose their attention altogether. The style type I would use is similar to what we did in class, just directed towards the younger ages!

Connecting it to the curriculum was so much easier than I thought. Under the Health  subject, there is actually an entire outcome for community safety! While it is mainly physical safety based, I think it should include online as well, since kids are using tech earlier than ever, and online community safety is just as important to teach nowadays.

Thanks for reading!!

About Dallas Thody

The University of Regina, K-5 Elementary Education, They/Them pronouns!
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