Author Archives: Dallas Thody

About Dallas Thody

The University of Regina, K-5 Elementary Education, They/Them pronouns!

Googling Cody Selanders- A Journey

Time to be an internet sleuth!! Cody Selanders appears to be an education professional when googled. There is a LinkedIn account of his from Douglas Park School. According to his LinkedIn, he is a full time U of R student … Continue reading

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Learning Post #5 catching up!

Hey there! Getting back into the learning posts!! This learning post topic is going to beeeeeeeeeee: ASL in Media!  *MAY CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR QUEER EYE ON NETFLIX* In episode 4, season 8 of Queer Eye , the team go to … Continue reading

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Week 9 catch up post: Hour of code

Hey all! It’s time for a catch up post! During week 9, we discussed code and the different ways to introduce it in a fun classroom manner. Using the Hour of Code resource we discussed, I learned that it is … Continue reading

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Digital Literacy and My Students

Hey there!! As you know, this week we discussed digital literacy, how to spot a troll, suspicious links, and fake news. When it comes time for me to teach, my ideal class would be grade 2. If I were to … Continue reading

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Catching up!

Hi all! This is my first post in a while due to unforeseen circumstances, but I am back and ready to catch up. I haven’t made much progress in my learning in the past month, but I am prepared to … Continue reading

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Third Week of the Learning Project!!

Hello!!!! I cannot believe it’s been 3 weeks of learning sign language (ASL) already! This week was an interesting one. I used Youtube as a resource last week, and the individual that I watched was incredibly useful!! Even though this … Continue reading

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Week 4 Blog Post!

Hey there friends! Welcome to week four’s blog post! This week’s prompt was focused on dealing with participation with technology in the classroom. I think classroom participation now is honestly going to be much more challenging than before. With kids having … Continue reading

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~ Learning Project Week 2 ~

I didn’t know my hands could do this!!! My oh my what a week, and it’s only Wednesday!! I decided to get a jumpstart on learning this week, and watched this YouTube video that I talked about in my previous … Continue reading

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~ Technology Reliance in My Life ~

Hey Hey! It’s me again. considering this is my blog, that shouldn’t surprise you too much. This is my post about the technology in my life! Is it useful? For sure!! Is it a distraction? Even more so. My cell … Continue reading

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~ Learning Project Plans ~

Hello again! For our learning project assignment I have chosen to try to learn (ASL), sign language. I wanted to choose something that if I end up catching onto it, would benefit me in the long run. Sign language has … Continue reading

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