Googling Cody Selanders- A Journey

Time to be an internet sleuth!!

Cody Selanders appears to be an education professional when googled. There is a LinkedIn account of his from Douglas Park School. According to his LinkedIn, he is a full time U of R student in the faculty of Education. To further prove his educational prowess, there is also a staff directory from Douglas Park School, as well as a connection to the Joshua Tree Learning Center. The initial three images that show up of Cody on google consist of tye-dye, a big smile, and his hair in the wind. These give a sense of ease, as there does not appear to be anything hostile, rude, or unacceptable within the pictures. There is a Pinterest page with a single pin, a create your own dinosaur head craft. This gives a sense of whimsey and creativity! Continuing down, I found an article from the Carillion about Hula Hoops being therapeutic, with Cody front and center! It was a very fun to read article, and acted as further proof of what a unique educator Cody is, and what he can introduce into a classroom. I did not find any Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, or any social media links. Based on what the internet can tell me, Cody would be a prime teaching candidate!

It was fun to research you Cody!!

– Dallas Thody

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Learning Post #5 catching up!

Hey there!

Getting back into the learning posts!!

This learning post topic is going to beeeeeeeeeee: ASL in Media! 


In episode 4, season 8 of Queer Eye , the team go to Louisiana for Denton, a coach at the Louisiana School for the Deaf, who is deaf himself. It was an unexpected episode, as reality shows rarely have people with hearing disabilities on the shows. It was amazing seeing how Denton put so much of himself into his signing. When watching youtube tutorials, the person is very exact with their movements, almost rigid. With Denton, it is his life. You can tell how passionate he is about his job and life just by watching his facial expressions while signing. When I began this learning journey, I didn’t even consider how important facial expression is, but it makes sense. Try telling someone you love them, but with a blank face. Now try to say it, without words and a blank face. With communicating as we do every day, we take tone of voice for granted. Watching the way Denton signed, with passion and his entire body moving, not just his hands, it really put into perspective how we can try to include a ‘tone of voice’ in the invisible silence filled with sign language.

– Dallas Thody

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Week 9 catch up post: Hour of code

Hey all! It’s time for a catch up post!

During week 9, we discussed code and the different ways to introduce it in a fun classroom manner. Using the Hour of Code resource we discussed, I learned that it is a fun activity to do, and it definitely makes a person use their problem solving skills.

I chose to do the Minecraft version since I have used Minecraft for a few projects in the past, and since I have no experience coding I felt like using a style I am visually used to would make the learning experience more comfortable. It worked!!

The program starts off pretty easy, with the user only doing one basic movement.

The First Level!

After the second level, it got a bit more intricate with the amount of code it requires. On the 4th level, it actually starts you out with the first movements to help you out!!

The code was preset in for this one!

This actually helped quite a bit with how long the level took, as it set the groundwork to finish the level faster. This is a good inclusion since this website is made for educating, and by helping from the start it gives the student using it the push to keep it going.

Level 4 completed code

By the end of level 4, this is how long the code was. If there was the option to just “Repeat 3 Times” It could have taken 1/3 as much time to set it up. This is a good way to show students the long way to do something before introducing a shortcut, much like in math where we would show a larger equation before simplifying. It shows students the steps behind the shortcut in a way!

Like this!!

The start of level 5 introduces exactly what I was talking about. It gives the option for a repeat!! This coding game is actually implementing teaching by scaffolding! It’s really cool!!


Accidental win!

Just like learning anything, mistakes are bound to happen. I went too fast and didn’t properly read the instructions. Can you see what went wrong here? When I clicked run, the character build walls until they ran into the wall and couldn’t build anymore! However, since I technically completed what was asked, it passed me anyways!

I did it!

The last 3 levels of this were pretty cool, and it definitely made me think!!! It felt like a chess match, where I could try it step by step by step, or try to solve it all in one go before pressing run. Overall it is definitely a resource I would use in the future!!

– Dallas Thody

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Digital Literacy and My Students

Hey there!!

As you know, this week we discussed digital literacy, how to spot a troll, suspicious links, and fake news. When it comes time for me to teach, my ideal class would be grade 2. If I were to discuss digital literacy with my students, I feel like I would take the approach we did together in class and alter it. It would be a brain break activity, think Where’s Waldo, but instead, it’s “Which is Photoshopped?”. Approaching it this way allows the student to look out for what’s potentially fake on the internet while still engaging in a fun activity. Sitting children down and being like “SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY” is a surefire way for them to either become terrified of the internet or just lose their attention altogether. The style type I would use is similar to what we did in class, just directed towards the younger ages!

Connecting it to the curriculum was so much easier than I thought. Under the Health  subject, there is actually an entire outcome for community safety! While it is mainly physical safety based, I think it should include online as well, since kids are using tech earlier than ever, and online community safety is just as important to teach nowadays.

Thanks for reading!!

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Catching up!

Hi all!

This is my first post in a while due to unforeseen circumstances, but I am back and ready to catch up. I haven’t made much progress in my learning in the past month, but I am prepared to do the work to catch up. This means I will be posting lots this week/weekend in order to get back on track for the learning project/blog posts. Life happens, sometimes it’s good and sometimes it just kicks you while you’re down. I’m ready to get back up and get going again!!

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Third Week of the Learning Project!!


I cannot believe it’s been 3 weeks of learning sign language (ASL) already!

This week was an interesting one. I used Youtube as a resource last week, and the individual that I watched was incredibly useful!! Even though this was really useful to learn from, I wanted to find a resource aside from Youtube to use this week. I ended up finding this really cool resource by simply typing “ASL Alphabet” into Google. Simple way to find it, but it worked. I tried to run before I could walk last week, and jumped right into sentences and words. I was eager, but over my head very quickly. This week I took a step back, and started slow. By learning the alphabet, it helped me recognized some words I had looked at last week! Did you know to say ‘no’ in ASL, you just sign the letters ‘n’ and ‘o’?

I practiced signing the alphabet every day, but instead of timing how long I did it for, I tried to do the alphabet in ASL at least 4 times in a row with the website. After that I tried it without the website, and made myself restart every time I got mixed up or hesitated. It was a pretty strict way to teach myself, but I want to try different learning methods through this as well to see which is the most efficient for myself!!

The pros of the resource: it was really easy to navigate!

The cons: honestly, I wish it went into more detail with the signing examples. They were really good, but even if the website had a tiny video of how to move fingers into the proper position, instead of just showing the hand already signing.

Overall it is going well, and I hope by my next post that the alphabet in ASL is as easy as the alphabet out loud!

Thanks for reading!

~ Dallas ~

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Week 4 Blog Post!

Hey there friends!

Welcome to week four’s blog post! This week’s prompt was focused on dealing with participation with technology in the classroom.

I think classroom participation now is honestly going to be much more challenging than before. With kids having phones much sooner than before, and a majority of classrooms having the option to use laptops in class, technology can be much more distracting than even when I was in high school. As my grandpa would word it, back in my day we had big, blocky computers in the computer room that were fairly easy for the teacher to monitor since they were all facing the center of the room. Even then,  we would still find a way to sneakily play Tetris or Solitaire. With many schools now having laptop carts, it can be much easier to hide the screen from the teachers since they can sit at their desks. It can become a distraction and cause participation to lessen. I feel when it comes down to it, it is up to the classroom teacher to have a set of rules when it comes to the technology in the classroom so that it is ensured the technology is helping the students, and not hindering them.

Until next time!!

~ Dallas ~

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~ Learning Project Week 2 ~

I didn’t know my hands could do this!!!

My oh my what a week, and it’s only Wednesday!! I decided to get a jumpstart on learning this week, and watched this YouTube video that I talked about in my previous post!! I watched it twice without pausing it, just watching as the individual explained different signs. After the second time, I began pausing it and trying the signs myself before they did it in the video. After about 30 minutes of doing this, I can sign hello, mother, father, see you later, me, please, thank you, and a few other useful words!

That’s it for now, I will update this post Monday, Jan. 29th with the rest of my experiences with this resource!!


Ok, so this week was not as productive as I had initially thought it would be! I fully planned to have added a bunch of other words from this video to my signing vocabulary, but unfortunately, I got in over my head. My plans have shifted a tiny bit, and my goal for the next post is going to be to pursue the alphabet and numbers in sign!! I need to start a bit slower instead of going right into it!!

~ Dallas ~

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~ Technology Reliance in My Life ~

Hey Hey! It’s me again. considering this is my blog, that shouldn’t surprise you too much. This is my post about the technology in my life! Is it useful? For sure!! Is it a distraction? Even more so.

My cell phone is taking over my life!

What do you think is the first thing I do when I wake up? Do I relax for a bit, wake up naturally and gracefully, then begin my day? I’d be lying if I said yes. The very first thing I do when I wake up is look at my phone. I use it as an alarm clock, instead of having a physical alarm clock beside my bed. After that, I check the work chat for updates, and then somehow it’s 20 minutes later, and I’m scrolling Tiktok looking at recipes and parts of random tv shows. So from the time I open my eyes in the morning, screen time is started. I am not proud of this, don’t let the gentle tone of this post fool you! It is not a healthy habit, and I want to break it by getting an actual alarm clock!

But it is still very useful!!!!!

While the physical alarm clock is an easy fix to the morning screen time, I do admit that having everything I need right there on my phone is really handy. I am not organized. Plans? 9/10 times I forget. Birthdays? I forget my sisters birthday and it’s literally 2 days after mine. My lovely partner on the other hand is a scheduling wizard. To prevent me from driving her insane, we use an app called Timetree. This app is super handy, and it allows us to both have the same calendar on our individual phones, with appointments, bills, and scheduling in general right there. It has actually helped us keep organized quite a bit!! We can even colour code things so we (more accurately, me, myself and I) will not get confused. It’s great!!

Contradicting, right?

Whether or not I want to admit it, my phone is a crazy important part of my life. Pictures of my cats, vacations, and other memories are on it, not to mention the overflowing Meme folder! Important phone numbers that I would not remember are also on there! Not to age myself but if you’re familiar with The Little Rascals movie I would be the one asking for the number to 911.

There are obvious pros and cons to technology, but as long as it is regulated and used properly, it can be an amazing resource!!!

Thanks for reading this rambling!!

~ Dallas ~


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~ Learning Project Plans ~

Hello again! For our learning project assignment I have chosen to try to learn (ASL), sign language. I wanted to choose something that if I end up catching onto it, would benefit me in the long run. Sign language has always been an interest of mine, but I didn’t have the motivation to begin to learn on my own. This assignment is the perfect opportunity to start learning! It will be a really beneficial skill to learn!!

I plan on doing an hour of learning time every weekday, Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will try to get an hour and a half or 2 hours, of learning time in per day, depending on how busy the weekend is. Each week I will use a different resource, and post a weekly update to this blog! I found this cool channel on YouTube that I plan to use for my initial learning! Since it is only a 6 minute video, I am going to watch and continuously pause it to copy the hand movements and positioning. I know absolutely nothing about ASL, so this is a start from scratch scenario!!!!

I look forward to learning this new skill, and can’t wait to begin!

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