~ Introduction! ~

Hey everyone!

My name is Dallas Thody, and I have about 3 semesters left in the Elementary Education program! I am currently working at the Montessori School of Regina at the pre-primary location! My pronouns are They/Them, so at work the students call me ‘Teacher Dallas’ instead of Mr. Dallas. I’m nervous about when I begin my internship because I am unsure if that would be allowed in public schools, or if I would have to go by ‘Mr.’… I guess we will see when the time arrives! I Graduated high school in 2014 in a small town that is part of the North East School Division. I look forward to reading all the blogs and getting to know you all. I tend to use an excessive amount of exclamation marks when I type, so be prepared to see that! This is the first time aside from ECS 101 that I have had to do any type of blogging, so I am excited to see what kind of little handy dandy little tricks we learn to improve our blogs!

As far as my other educational media experience, I have used Minecraft many times to do different types of assignments in a few different classes, and you can find one of those right…. THERE! And HERE! And another right HERE!!

I tend to get off-topic and am a bit of a rambling person, so I hope that blogging my process in the class will help me stay focused!

Stay tuned!!

– Dallas!

Little gaming assistant!

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