EC&I 832,  Major Project

Major Project Updates #3

I am continuously developing a ready-to-use curriculum on digital citizenship and media literacy. This week, my main focus is on media literacy.

1. Develop the course objectives:

I have demonstrated some learning objectives for media literacy. For example, upon completion of lesson two, students will define and distinguish between various forms of media, such as print, broadcast, digital, and social media; identify the unique characteristics and conventions of each media type; develop the ability to critically analyze and interpret media messages, identifying elements like bias and propaganda; recognize persuasive techniques and rhetorical strategies commonly used in media content; assess the credibility, reliability, and expertise of media sources; distinguish between primary and secondary sources in media content; reflect on personal media consumption habits and their potential impact on one’s beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors; develop strategies for responsible and critical media consumption.

2. Develop the course structure: there are five modules in the lesson two: 

  • Module 1: Definition & Vocabulary
    • Understanding of key definitions and vocabularies
  • Module 2:Understanding Media Types
    • Define and differentiate between various forms of media
  • Module 3: Analyzing Media Content
    • Develop the ability to critically analyze and interpret media messages
  • Module 4: Evaluating Sources
    • Assess the credibility, reliability, and expertise of media sources
  • Module 5: Media Consumption Habits
    • Reflect on personal media consumption habits and potential impact on one’s beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors

3. Develop the course delivery methods: participants will engage in group discussion, case studies, real-life scenarios, and hands-on exercises. The course will emphasize practical application and critical thinking.

4. Develop the course resources: I have prepared a variety of resources, including readings, videos, and online tools. I have used resources from different websites and ChatGPT related to the course content. 

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