A week of really feeling ALL the feelings!
After using the apps posted and mentioned in my previous blog post (go check it out!) I am starting to gain more knowledge when it comes to seeing others use sign language! I find it is one thing to learn it yourself but a whole other skill and aspect of learning to be able to fully communicate and understand when the sign is being done to you rather than doing it yourself!
This past week has been crazy in all good ways so I figured it was only appropriate to learn some signs and sayings regarding emotions and expressing feelings through our hands… literally not physically! If you have been keeping up with my learning project blog posts, you would know that I am a preschool teacher. And this past week was preschool graduation, meaning there was a whole lot of scrambling to get stuff done, followed by tears, happiness, sadness, lots of hugs, and too many goodbyes for now but not forever!
Some emotions that I was most excited to learn about were happy, sad, mad, frustrated, tired, and hurt. The reasoning behind being enthusiastic about learning these emotions and words was because working in preschool and with children in general, the children go through and feel so many emotions so quickly and I believe it is important for them to be able to understand their own emotions and be able to express them. With that being said by knowing these emotions and words through sign, in my future if I ever encounter a child who communicated through sign language I will be able to understand the emotion they are feeling and potentially help them to understand why they are feeling that way, as well as help them find ways to express their feelings in ways that help them the most.

I found this super easy and helpful video on Youtube by “Learn How To Sign” where I learned many different emotions and feelings from. I also watched this video on Youtube made by children signing feelings that I found I also downloaded this sheet (on the left) of emotions to have on my phone if I am ever in need of a resource to look off of or help to remember!