Category: EDTC300

Summary Of Learning

Welcome to my summary of learning! I chose to create a video on Powtoon and use the voiceover app on my phone to produce this video! I hope you enjoy it! To start things off, obviously, this class was an online class, which I thought was going to be very interesting. However, I found it…

By Jasmin Boha June 21, 2022 0

Learning project wrap-up

If you have been following along with my learning project, you would know that I chose to learn American Sign Language! If you have not and are new here this post will consist of everything I have learned, some of the challenges and struggles I had learning ASL online, the tools that worked best for…

By Jasmin Boha June 21, 2022 0

My contribution to the learning of others

How have I contributed to the learning of others in and outside of this class EDTC 300? From using tools such as Twitter, and Discord, reading and commenting on other classmates’ blogs as well as finding and sharing resources and inspiration posts online, I feel as though I have shared a few great resources and…

By Jasmin Boha June 16, 2022 0

Digital literacy in Preschool???

When I think and look at a preschooler, all I see are these tiny humans who just love and enjoy anything and everything. They typically see the best in all that they do while also seeing the world as a huge happy place. So how might I teach about digital literacy to a three or…

By Jasmin Boha June 14, 2022 0

Digital Citizenship in the Classroom

We are all citizens in this world, along with the cities or communities that we live in. However, are you a good digital citizen? What does it mean to have good digital citizenship? How can you integrate good digital citizenship into your classroom? So many questions… continue reading to find out some of the answers!…

By Jasmin Boha June 9, 2022 1