A “good” student would be one that is opposite to M’s behaviour. According to commonsense, a good student would follow instructions and not make a fuss about it. Students who would raise their hand politely, talk to their peers and teacher with respect and never make a teacher feel frustrated with them. A “good” student would more than likely also be strong in their academic skills. The students who are privileged by this definition are the ones who would naturally fit into this commonsense definition of a “good” student.
What is made impossible from this definition of a good student is that not all students will ever be able to completely fulfill the ideal requirements of what is labeled as a “good” student. This definition of a “good” student excludes so many people, such as students with varying disabilities, students with learning disabilities, students with behavioural issues, and many more. The students who do not succeed in the ideal requirements are then to believe they are considered a “bad” student. Putting labels on students will never accomplish anything as someone will always be upset with how they think society sees them, and that can have an impact on a students confidence and mental health.