“The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn …and change.”
– Carl Rogers
I went to Campbell Collegiate High School in Regina. Campbell is such an excellent school. They have so many opportunities for you to get involved in extra curricular clubs or sports teams. I found that of the teachers care so much about each student & their wellbeing. When I was there, the teachers always made sure to reassure us students that we are not alone which I think is such an important thing to remind someone of. It is something I think every teacher should always be telling their students because you might be the only person who has told them that in a long time.

Right out of high school I went into university. I started off in the Faculty of Business because I was not entirely sure what I wanted to do & found that business seemed to be an okay place to start. I figured that I would find my way through there. I did find my way…..OUT of that faculty & into Faculty of Education. Realizing I wanted to be a teacher was such an “ah-ha!” moment for me. A moment that brought me so many emotions because I finally felt I was on the right path to where I belong. I am now in my pre-internship year with only two more semesters to go! The end is near!

While taking classes in Fall of 2019, I also took the first level of American Sign Language (ASL). Being a support worker inspired me to learn the language. I am now able to have a simple conversation with someone who knows ASL. It was a very hard course & it also tested my patients. We are not allowed to talk in class & the instructors cannot talk either. It is so we are not disrespecting the people who are deaf in the room. It made me realize how we take little things for granted, like hearing, because I got to understand what it is like when you are trying to explain something to someone without using words; frustrating. It is what many people with hearing impairments experience everyday. I hope to one day take the next two levels of ASL & be able to bring sign language into the classroom.