“You will either step forward into growth, or you will step backward into safety.”
– Abraham Maslow.
As I have revisited my ePortfolio after a year and a half hiatus, it is crazy to see what I had wrote about myself in this section at that time. It’s surreal to me how much one can change within less than two years. As I was reading back what I had wrote in this part, I was starting to ‘nit pick’ my sentence structure and judging “past Jenna” on what she had wrote on here. But instead of continuing that negative self talk, I realized that it just shows the growth I have worked on over time.
Without further ado, allow me to re introduce myself….
During the pandemic I decided to pay more attention to my health. I started eating more whole foods, sleeping better, and trying to be active everyday. Doing these things completely changed my daily life habits. I have become a much healthier person mentally and physically.
Summer of 2021, I was brought into the hiking world by my boyfriend. We ended up spending 7 weeks camping around Vancouver Island as well as a week in Banff. Hiking is such a thrill. It is incredible what the human body is capable of accomplishing. Some of the hikes we tackled were the hardest things I have ever done and over two years ago, I would have never thought I would be doing the things I did this summer. One of my favourite parts about hiking is the smell of nature. Being in the lush forest and smelling all the trees is one of the best environments. It makes me really appreciate the nature we humans have access to and a reminder that our planet is our home, and we need to take care of our home.
I believe hiking is similar to education. It is not all about the destination, but the journey to get there is important. The journey can be the hardest part, but the destination is worth it.
Squamish, BC Long Beach near Tofino Our first overnight hiking trip. Hiked up to Landslide Lake Kayaking on Two Jack Lake in Banff On top of Ha Ling Peak!
Iceberg Lake, Vancouver Island Up on Ha Ling Peak C Level Cirque Hike
In March of 2021, I applied and got hired with Regina Public Schools as a Special Education Assistant Casual. The reason I decided to apply for this position is because I felt it would benefit my degree by having more classroom experience and seeing the diverse educators Regina has. I have been able to work several times a week while working towards my education degree. EAing has truly has made me feel more confident and solidified my journey in being an educator. Being an EA, and specifically an EA substitute has been an eye opening opportunity. I have learned that no school is the same as another, let alone no classroom is the same as another. I think that is important to recognize. After each shift, I would journal all about my day. I love to look back and reflect on the days I have EA’d. I like to write down management strategies I see, engaging activities the educator guided, classroom decor and resources the teacher uses. I was able to apply some of my learning experiences as an EA to my pre-internship experience. I cannot wait to EA in the new year and learn more to apply to my Internship in the fall.
I also work at SaskAbilities Council as a Support Worker for adults & kids with varying abilities. I talk more about this job under my ‘Educator Experiences‘ section because this job has had a big influence on who I am today & why I want to become a teacher!