These are websites I have come across throughout the duration of my degree, my field experiences, and also being an Educational Assistant Substitute!
- Rubistar: For teachers to make rubrics
- K5learning: free worksheets in math, ELA and more
- International Children’s Digital Library: get in the know with what others are reading around the world!
- Wheel of Names: Teachers can put in their own names or words in the wheel
- Starfall: This website says it is for K-Grade 3, but I also saw this used in an Inclusive Ed classroom!
- Choiceworks: I have seen strategies used from this website in Inclusive Ed classrooms, although you can use it in any classroom as it focuses on planning, transitioning, self-awareness and time management.
- Vooks: Story books brought to life
- MediaSmarts: A website teachers can use to teach students the importance of safety on social media. Has lesson plans for teachers and games students can play
- Osmo: An app where early childhood students can play digital games, draw, code, spell & more
- Dizzy Ozzy worksheets: Dizzy Ozzy creates unit plans, lesson plans, and fun activities that are all based from Saskatchewan Curriculum outcomes and indicators