About me

About me

On this page is a little poster that was made to show you (the reader) a little bit about me! My name is Jonah Neufeld and I am a 4th year education student at the University of Regina. I love all things to do with the outdoors such as fishing, biking, hiking, building igloos etc. I love the outdoors mainly because of the limitless possibilities, as someone who grew up being outside it allowed me to develop a great imagination that was able to keep me busy for days on end. I strive to ensure that kids are able to experience the outdoors much like I did when I was younger as I feel it allows kids to develop and learn so many things that they may never know if they never go enjoy the outdoors. I also love building Lego sets and sometimes just using spare Lego to let my imagination go wild and create new things that were not originally intended to be made. In the picture below you will see that my images all revolve around fish or aquatic creatures and that is because I love fish; I personally have a large aquarium full of catfish, little neon tetras and a ton of shrimp, to round out the tank I also have a pet snail named scrub daddy (like the cleaning sponge) because his job is to make sure the tank stays clean and looks fresh! Lastly i like to spend my free time either playing games, watching movies, fishing, or working on my old car in order to get it running.


One thought on “About me

  1. Hi, Jonah! Your post is very welcoming. Love the name of you pet snail too! I had to look twice lol

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