“The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one.” Malcolm S. Forbes

Transplant Attempt

Hi everybody!

So last week after filling my Tower Garden, I had a change  to put in all of the seedlings I had grown. They have mostly been doing great over the last week. There were a few seedlings that were a little flimsy, I’m thinking they weren’t planted deep enough so their roots weren’t deep enough to support the plant. I managed to gently push those seedlings deeper into their rockwool media and they anchored enough to get a tower full of healthy plants… All except one spot that the seedling ended up dying!

Picture of Tower Garden with seedlings growing except in one spot

I couldn’t bare the look of having this one empty spot of my tower, but I didn’t have any more lettuce or herb seedlings started, so I was on the hunt for what I could do to fill it.

Since I had tried out TikTok last week for my info, I decided to keep trying to find information on social media sites, and this time I went for the old classic Facebook. I was able to find this video in their Facebook Reels that quickly went over the process of taking plants from soil and putting them into the rockwool media used for growing in the tower.

The video had an interesting format, where it played the footage of the person prepping the plant for transplant over some upbeat music. Normally I wouldn’t care for the lack of voice over very much, but they also had the step by step instructions available in the comments that you could overlay over top of the video as you watched. I actually really liked that since I could read through the step as I was watching it done.

This was another short video like the one I found on TikTok, but I think for such a small step in the overall process, this again worked well for what I needed. I went to work soaking and cutting apart of rockwool, and they pulled out some tomato saplings I had saved from my garden this year to fit it into place.

And voila! Tower Garden filled in with a tomato plant. I needed to tap it to the tower for support, but I am optimistic it will take well to its new home!

Tomato sapling in rockwoolPicture of tomato in Tower Garden

Can’t wait to start eating these guys!

Jerome Schmeiser


  1. Kacey Duchak

    This towel is soo cool! Did you buy it or did you create it with a 3D printer?

    • Jerome Schmeiser

      I bought it used off of Facebook market place and got a awesome deal. You can get similar ones from the Tower Garden website for around 1500 I think!

  2. Alycia Kohut

    This is such a cool learning project! it looks like you are getting a lot of great progress. The tower is super cool, plus it is great that you can continue to grow herbs and vegetables over the winter months! Does it have a special light for the plants in the tower or do you just place it near light?
    Looking forward to watching your tower garden grow!

    • Jerome Schmeiser

      Thanks! The tower can be bought with an attachment that hooks to the top that has 4 grow lights that shine on your tower.

    • Jerome Schmeiser

      Thanks! The tower has grow lights attached to it for growing indoors, but people use these outdoors with no lights in nicer climates and have really cool gardens using them!

  3. Jules Van Den Berg

    Hey Jerome! This is so cool and interesting. I can see that this is going to be the future of agriculture. My sister is in agriculture at the University of Saskatchewan for crop science and she has told me all about these! Even though this is probably expensive to buy at first, you would probably save money in the long run by not having t get groceries from the store. It is also nice seeing your plants grow and eventually getting to eat it! Thanks!

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