My relationship with technology has been an ongoing one that has changed throughout my life. I grew up having no internet at all, to having dial up, cd players to mp3 players, flip phones to smart phones, and etc. It was never something that I felt particullary addicted to even when facebook came around. We all went on for our alloted hour in the evening and then we were off, texting our friends and hanging out. Now, well I have just started myself on a social media detox.
I use technology for almost everything, school, family calender, work, TV, communication, promoting my business (well trying) as well as everything else we use it for. When I was working full time I relied on my cell for communication within the school as well as staying organized with google calender. Google calender has honeslty saved my sanity, it keeps myself and my husband on the same page and there is no more of, I definitely told you my parents were coming tomorrow, when he definitely didn’t. (Also spellcheck with google, as I sit here trying to spell definitely). I use my laptop everyday for school and editing photos, and sometimes house stuff because it’s just easier on a bigger screen.
Overall though, this past year on maternity leave I have found myself doom scrolling social media non stop, and all it does it makes me depressed, seeing friends hanging out, wondering why I wasn’t invited. I am the only one of my friend group with kids and it makes really hard. I got so sick of it the one night, sitting there depressed and wondering why the heck I do this to myself. I started looking at phones that are “dummy” phones that only have texting and calling, but I realized that would not work for me. So I decided to just delete facebook/ insta/ tik tok off of my home screen. They are there incase I need to go on them to see a message, or access markpetplace, but I don’t open my phone and instantly start scrolling social media. Its honestly been very refreshing, and hard but only because everyone around me dooms scrools, so I am sitting here bored and wanting to talk but everyone is nose deep into their phones.
I honestly think social media has ruined our kids childhoods, and I have no intentions of giving my kids a cellphone until like 16 or maybe older. We’ll see how that goes haha. I just can see the kids at schools have no ability to communicate and enjoy being kids when they have no phones, they don’t know how to just experience life without the lense of a camera. I think we need to get back to basics when it comes to technology and remove the addictive aspects and apps.