I access the internet at least 100 times a day. Whether it’s checking social media, checking my emails, doing homework, or googling something, the use of the internet is a staple for everything in my life. I grew up experience the technology boom, I went from landlines to iphones, desktop computers as big as my bedroom to my phone being stronger than my desktop. I remember YouTube in its beginning and the numa numa dance had my grade in a choke hold! The superman dance, HELLLOOO? the original tiktok dance haha. My generation started with T9 texting, I was so good at it I could text all day and never even look at what I was typing. Now? PFFF well I literally look at my screen and still spell things wrong, thank god for spellcheck, but also it’s ruining peoples spelling knowledge, even with it people cannot spell via text and it literally kills me inside.
While the internet itself is amazing, I also think it is addicting and it is ruining the youth of our children. “Since 2014-15, there has been a 22 percentage point rise in the share of teens who report having access to a smartphone (95% now and 73% then).” (Atske & Atske, 2024) Having a cell phone infront of their face at all times can be extremely lonely. Kids cannot connect the way they used to, while they may be talking all day to someone online, I find that once they do not have their cellphone, they cannot for the life of them make decent conversation with eachother when they are bored. Sadly the adults in this world are no better, I am now at the point where I am fed up with social media and people aimlessly scrolling their phones, but it is truely ADDICTING!
I grew up with access to texting and calling, as well as MSN and other online sites, but I could only access them on a desktop computer. The creation of social media APPS I think is what really changed us as a society. Sometimes for the better, were connecting to eachother all over the world. Learning amazing things from other cultures as well as news stories, and making friends. Look at the video of the numa numa guy, (Michael Wesch, 2008), he created a phenomenom of people connecting together and creating something fun and amazing, and it is like TIKTOK today, connecting and creating amazing things. Yet there is of course a HUGE dark side to these apps as well.
I do not think social media is going away anytime soon, but I do think people are finally starting to realize how dangerously addicting it is and how it could be bad for our mental health. I did a trial month with 0 social media on my phone and I was shocked at how I felt. I felt relief? I did feel a little out of the loop, because those around me were still using social media, but honeslty it was really nice not seeing everyone of my kidless friends hanging out without me and feeling depressed because I am not there. Also I noticed how fricken annoying it was when your trying to make conversation with people because your not scrolling and everyone else is literally so immesered into their phones they are zombies. I get why my parents were so angry when I was younger about that, now tables are turned and I am mad at them for doing it haha.
For my classroom, a healthy balance is necessary. I would love to be able introduce safe ways to access the internet while also allowing them to be genuine kids by building connections with other humans in person, not just through a screen. Showing students that technology can be used for so much for then just social media, will also be very important. Yes social media is useful for lots of things, but there are so many other cool things technology can do for us!! I also think the cellphone bans in school are a start to give kids a break from social media. 6 hours a day to connect to others without a screen will be benefical for literally anyone not just kids!