Category: EDTC 300

Contributing to The Learning of Others

For my final networked learning post, I will reflect on my contributions to the learning of others through the various interactive platforms we utilized during the course. I actively participated by engaging and commenting on my classmates’ blog posts, encouraging them and providing resources they might find helpful. When leaving comments on my classmates’ blogs,…

By Kate Johnson June 20, 2024 0

The Future of Education with AI

As technology continues to reshape our lives, education and classrooms are no different. One particular AI tool that caught my attention is Magic School AI. After watching the presentation on the integration of AI in the classroom, I was interested in learning more about Magic School AI. After experimenting with this tool, I recognized its…

By Kate Johnson June 18, 2024 1

The Hidden Dangers of the Digital World

For this week’s post, I chose to reflect on some topics we discussed in class. Our lives in today’s world and our digital presence are meshed with the internet in ways we would have never believed a few decades ago. Our digital footprint can be widespread, from online banking to social media, blogs and email.…

By Kate Johnson June 17, 2024 0

Learning to Code

I am not versed in coding, so I was excited to try my hand at it. I chose to work through the Star Wars Hour of Code activity we did in class because it looked intriguing. The first couple of levels were straightforward, which was a great introduction to coding, but they became more complex…

By Kate Johnson June 11, 2024 1

Teaching Safe Online Habits

I plan to approach digital citizenship in my future classroom by teaching the students how to safely use digital tools/platforms, respect others online (be kind online), and understand the impact and consequences of their online actions. Digital citizenship includes digital literacy, etiquette, online safety, and knowing and understanding digital laws and rights. To encourage responsible…

By Kate Johnson June 4, 2024 1

Cyber Safety and Digital Citizenship in Schools

When I was in school, the approach to teach us about cyber safety or digital citizenship was to bring in various outside sources. The presenters would set up in the gym and do a presentation to the whole school. The presentations were very interactive, and they would share real-life stories and videos, have interactive Q&As…

By Kate Johnson June 3, 2024 0

Redefining Education in the Digital Age

Times have undoubtedly changed, and the digital age has transformed education. As Michael Wesch highlights in the video, technology will significantly impact our future as it continues to grow daily, which in turn will impact schools and education. He explains how the new culture of participation is shifting world views, and collaboration is becoming crucial…

By Kate Johnson May 26, 2024 0

Flyers to Digital Newsletters

At first, I had difficulty deciding which resource to use, but I explored the list in the document, and one caught my eye called Smore. Smore is an online platform where you can create different types of documents, such as newsletters, flyers, and presentations. It can be an excellent resource for teaching, as you can…

By Kate Johnson May 22, 2024 2

Balancing Tech Use and Well-Being

Technology is a very useful tool, but it can also be very distracting. In my daily life, I am not on my phone that much, as I have, on average, three to five hours of screen time each day. However, some days, I find myself getting too caught up in various apps and news, making…

By Kate Johnson May 14, 2024 0

Journeying into Educational Technology

Hello everyone, My name is Kate Johnson, and I am currently pursuing an elementary education degree at the University of Regina. Once I finish my schooling, I plan to teach abroad for a couple of years. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, playing card or board games. I also…

By Kate Johnson May 12, 2024 1