The Bigger Picture

Unfortunately, I was not able to attend last Thursday’s class, which for me means I only have option 2 as a choice. Which lead to the question “What are my interests in the realm of the digital world?”


Looking at my learning project I think it is clear to say that I am drawn to more of the creative side of technology over the graphs and the cold hard facts. Which I think is very revealing, as even in the world outside of technology I would say that I still lean towards more of the arts then the mathematics and sciences.


A part of me feeling this way I also think comes from the idea that I have created a safe space for me to post my ideas, and post my creations without worry of judgement. But, I also believe that this lack of fear when it comes to being judged online simply come from knowing that the person on the other end of a mean comment truly doesn’t have anything better to do then to be mean. Which ultimately leads me to this motto; “that’s a them problem, not a me problem.”


Within saying that, over the last few weeks of this course it has really allowed for me to further divulge into creating a space on the internet that children feel like they are safe and in control of space they want to share with the world. Whether that be through Instagram, Tiktok, snapchat, discords ect.


Making sure that our children both inside and outside the classroom have these proper resources to navigate them through the digital world is so essential. something that over the time of this course, it has become more of a priority to me to have this in my classroom. All children deserve a safe space to grown and learn in, and this space doesn’t just end within the 4 walls of a classroom.


Thanks for reading!

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