Networking Connections

Over the course of this semester, I took 3 spring classes which lead for a very busy Spring.  During this time, I found networking to be one of the more difficult things to accomplish, while engaged in 3 classes and working full-time.


Being able to introduce myself through the mode of blogging, I believe made this class more personable. My peers were able to have an insight on me prior to jumping into the blogging world; and vice versa. Which created a safe and welcoming space to begin commenting on other blogs and building those networking connections.


During periods where I was able to contribute to the learning of others, I made sure to comment on blog posts weekly. Within this link, are the screenshots to these comments that I have posted over the semester. As I have previously stated in many prior posts for this class, I most definitely do not feel that I am qualified to be critiquing other people’s learning journeys.  As I, myself had an abundance of knowledge to learn myself when it came to technology in an educational setting.



Because of this I feel many of my comments tended be on the positive side, with not a lot of critical suggestions. I truly do believe that my classmates did a wonderful job creating content for their blogs.


I also believe that even a simple, “this post was so fun to read!” Although a seemingly generic comment can mean so much to a beginner in the blogging world. It proves that someone out there read my blog.  I know for myself when I received comments like this I was thrilled. I felt like I was doing this whole blogging thing somewhat right, which is a feeling I tried to achieve with my classmates’ posts.


“Kindness is doing what you can, where you are, with what you have.” -Raktivist


Throughout this semester I have experienced many things from, Katia, my peers and myself. I have felt frustration, mild annoyance, excitement, joy and pride while on this fast blogging journey. The most important for me has been building these relationships. With that being said these are relationships I will be forever grateful for in my academic journey.


Thanks for reading!


  • Jelisa Bjola

    Wow! Sounds like you had a quite busy schedule. I totally agree with you on your point with “generic” comments. It could only take a small gesture of positivity to brighten someone’s day. Great quote, too!

  • Brodie Ziegler

    Hello Katelyn!
    I also 100% agree with you on your point about generic comments. I had so much to learn about technology in education and I feel like I learned so much just from reading my peers blogs. I liked that we were able to view our classmates blog posts and see the new ideas everyone has!

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