Is social networking sites destroying the childhood?

Hey everyone!

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Today, let’s dive into a topic that’s been on my mind lately: The effects of social media on childhood Many children are using social media.

Being a parent and utilizing the services of a caretaker for kids makes it possible to name all the Professionals and Cons of using social networks among children. Well, then, let it be, and let’s better understand this issue that has multiple sides to it.

Professionally Speaking, the Good Side of Social Media

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First of all, let it be said there is good in life. It is a fact that social media also has some advantages. It helps us to stay in touch with families and friends and this is more so for those who may be living in different parts of the world. To children, it may still be education and imagination. Sites such as YouTube or Instagram can motivate children to obtain new interests and share them by creating accounts and learning new skills or ideas doing it.

The Not-So-Good Side

But there is another scenario that has to be considered: the flip side of this coin – the negative aspects of social networks. Research has established that the excessive use of social media in the family brings about the deterioration of parent-children relations. In particular, frequent use of social networking sites leads to a greater number of quarrels with parents among children and faced many challenges such as cyber-bulling. Hence, social networking sites continuously draw users’ attention, creating less actual time with loved ones and more conflict. Notably, contrary to most other parent-child bonds, this deterioration does not affect mother-son bonds as badly as the others. Weird, right?

Mental Health Concerns

Then, there is the psycho-social effect; As someone shared on his social media he was diagnosed with severe depression and had also attempted suicide. Several clinicians have noted on negative effects of social media on teenagers indicating that social media causes them increased anxiety and lower self-esteem. As it is today it has become rather challenging for kids to grow up in society as they are confined to computer and phone screens and rarely have physical contact. The shift in schedules can prove difficult for them as they tend to find it difficult to build healthy relationships with their peers as well as proper self-esteem.

Attention Span and Addiction

Another significant area of concern is of focus span or as referred to in this study attention span. Social media is set up to be a time waster where you just continue endlessly scrolling through the content seeking something fast and easy. This may also reduce the span of concentration and thus attending to matters for a long time by children. Their brains are constantly in search of the next instant rush of dopamine up to at times, skipping lunch.

Risk Factors Associated with the Use of Social Networks–610167449538259693/

One meaningful argument discussed in yesterday’s debate concerned the receipt of several young people’s popular applications, such as Snapchat and Instagram. Some of them post every aspect of their lives on their social media, including the breakfast they took, and the latest things they are doing. Back from work or school, almost everyone, including children, is sharing these articles nonstop, which is rather alarming to watch. For example, in India, the scenarios of kidnapping of students and robberies took place as people shared their location and planned activities online. In essence, by marketing their location and schedules to the public domain, they expose themselves to criminals. This just goes on to show that there is a need to ensure that there is awareness and came when sharing information on social media platforms. As with any affliction, understanding the risks and helping children avoid the pitfalls as well as encouraging them to be more selective in the information that they put on updates can go a long way in reducing these effects.

Finding a Balance

Therefore is social media robbing children of their childhood? It’s a mixed answer. Yes, it is a marvelous tool for acquiring knowledge and making friends, but at the same time, it adversely affects children’s psychological condition, their ability to build interpersonal relationships, and their concentration levels. In this digital world, it remains the responsibility of parents and teachers to steer this generation. We have to explain how to use social networks properly, identify restrictions, and urge to devote time to other activities concerning the real world.

Final Thoughts

In the last word, it cannot be denied that social media is thriving and will continue creating its impact on societies. It is up to us to teach the kids how to manage the challenge that comes with it and benefit from the opportunities that come with it.

I guess we should continue the discussion and comment on the way we manage to find that golden mean. What do you think? A lot of anger is created by Television such as Netflix, Social networking sites, cheating in exams, Facebook, Twitter, and adult sites, etc.,

Have you noticed how your kids or the children you work with have been affected by any of these social networking sites?

Drop a comment below!

Thank you for reading through, have a great day, and catch you in the next post!

Kavita Monga

8 thoughts on “Is social networking sites destroying the childhood?

  1. Hi Kavita,
    I agree with you that social media has some good sides, one of which is connecting with each other. I experience this myself when I video-call my parents and my sisters. However, when I look at the disadvantages that it brings, I think that outweighs the advantages. Seeing young kids trying to resemble fake profiles or lifestyles is heartbreaking.

    • Hello Ilda!

      I truly take your side in this perspective and even, I am scared every single day because this generation is growing up so fast.

  2. Great post Kavita! I appreciated your discussion centred around attention span. One thing that I have noticed in the last few years is that students cannot focus on any sort of long-form media. I think TikTok may be to blame for this one! Before the COVID-19 pandemic, movie days got every single kid excited. Now? Nothing. There have actually been times when kids complain about watching a movie in class because it’s just “too long”. I think this is connected to social media. Students want short bits of information quickly. What a world, hey?

    • Hello Mariah!

      I totally agree with you, and you know what? Various apps and games, some of the most popular ones are TikTok, PubG, Call of Duty, reeling that is in Insta-reel, and even YouTube reels, however, TikTok was banned in India since 2020. These reels actually frustrates them and struggles their attention span in such a way that they can not concentrate on one thing for a long time. Well, actually it is alarming us being a parent.

  3. Hi Kavita,
    I loved that you took the time to look at both sides of the debate. Both had great thoughts. I took the stance that it is ruining childhood. I can agree that there are some great apps that can be used for educational purposes, but I don’t think students and kids are wanting to have and play those games.
    In my own classroom, when students were allowed to have a free moment when they were done their work, they picked games such as “Barbie Makeover” and “Minecraft” (now Minecraft has a full other side to it for educational purposes but these kids ain’t participating in those by choice)
    I feel that the negatives that are had on children overweighs the positives like talking to family, but the only way to stop these negatives is stopping children from using these social media apps at a younger age, which means the tech/social media kids who are having children need to put the apps away.

  4. Thank you for sharing this thoughtful post, Kavita! Your balanced exploration of social media’s impact on childhood is both insightful and comprehensive. I appreciated how you addressed both the positive aspects, such as staying connected with family and learning new skills, and the negative consequences like decreased attention spans and mental health issues. Your call for responsible use and parental guidance is crucial in navigating this complex issue. Keep sharing your valuable perspectives!

  5. “Have you noticed how your kids or the children you work with have been affected by any of these social networking sites?”

    Absolutely! This is the instant gratification generation. Many kids believe do not have perseverance. The attention span is shorter because it takes more emotional decoy (just like adverts) to keep them engaged. They often believe “If it is not interesting, it is not okay.”
    Social media should be used as a tool to accomplish some goals; it shouldn’t be what forms children’s character.

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