The Big Debate: Is AI transforming education for the better or worse?

Hello everyone!

I am here with another Blog.  Today, we had a very informative discussion on the uses of AI in the educational system between the representatives of technological and pedagogical points of view. I shall share the analysis of my thoughts and beliefs that I gathered from the debate with some strong and important points emerging from different sides of the debate positioned by the debaters. This video called for a shift towards stimulating curiosity, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

Let’s discuss!

 How AI Is Going to Transform Education: The Brighter Side

First, let’s define the great misconceptions of AI that were mentioned in the debate and can contribute to developing the classrooms.

1. Made exclusively for You Only and you can find many things that are designed especially for You Only here.

Just imagine, being given a one-on-one teacher that knows you, understands how you learn, and is able to give you lessons based on those aspects.

Wow!! arranging for personalize classes with every learner and offering them a favorable learning environment that suits their schedules. This is not just a concept invented in one’s mind; it’s the present day scenario that we experience daily. This persuasive video presented by our debaters to find out how the incorporation of AI has migrated education system from traditional standardized form to a more liberal form that caters for individual learners’ needs.

I myself being a teacher used BYJU’s,  Cordova learning platform and Khan academy which was login at particular Admin number and accessible by students and they used as an extra resources such as to perform online quizzes. Further, AI can analyze students’ data with a view of rating their academic performance and, in the process, identify those who are likely to drop behind so that effective early interventions can be applied. Adopting this anticipatory measures can go a long way in improving the result of the student.

2. Special Support at Any Time

These apps serves best when there is a need for extra assistance after and before class; thus, through the use of artificial intelligence in tutoring systems, the students can get the help that they need in the form of explanation, feedback, and problems as practiced by the tutors. This also means that the students can get help at the precise time they need it and hence learning becomes more effective.

3. Streamlined Administrative Tasks and More Time for Trainings

Well! As the old classroom teacher there is rarely time at the teachers’ own choice; much time is absorbed in numbering, writing, marking papers, lessons and time-tables. Here, AI can do these tasks and it would save much time for a teacher thus giving him or her more time to teach and or interact with the students. I also pointed this to when I was debating about #technologyenhanceslearning. In other words, by untying instructors’ hours, AI improves the way they become proficient at addressing the aspects of learners’ needs that prior were not met, and thus, it makes them more intelligent and efficient educators. Because of the division of responsibility, teachers can devote more time to professional growth. Engaging in professional development activities in the teachers’ own classrooms means that the teachers are familiar with the latest in technologies and teaching strategies. Machine learning can design programs, which when subscribed to by teachers, can help them determine areas that they lack sufficient knowledge in. This constant learning ensures that the teacher is always smarter and more knowledgeable than their learner in dealing with any issues that may arise or with any changes in the classroom.

4. Breaking Down Language Barriers

This point was my favorite in whole debate, by incorporating AI in translating various course material, different students with different linguistic backgrounds can effectively learn concerning courses thus conducting global understanding. To be honest, I relied on Google translator a number of times so as to hold a conversation with my landlord. She is a Chinese old lady and she cannot speak or understand any other language apart from Chinese. Actually, it is a wonderful tool for the individuals with non-standard use of English as their medium of communication. It also do help to boost up the confidence of a person and at the same time, opens up many opportunities for employment.

This transition requires thoughtful and moral consideration. UNESCO has provided valuable recommendations in this area. UNESCO’s guidelines describe critical activities to ensure AI is utilized effectively in education, such as equality and diversity, educator training, responsible usage, and collaborative development. By adhering to these principles, we can use AI’s promise to create more effective, diverse, and immersive educational experiences for all students.

The Cautionary Tale: Things That Engineers of AI in Education May Not Have Considered

Now let us turn the other side of the coin and look at reason why some are even afraid to introduce of Artificial Intelligence in education.

1. What happened to the Students – Who is Watching Them?

AI systems require a large amount of personal information which leads to different privacy issues. Daniel Buck shared with us the risks of database hacking and the ethical problem of data gathering in the teaching context. Buck demanded sound measures to shield the student’s information.

2. The biggest pet peeves for the debate as well as many other people: it’s time to stop stating, “Oh, this is a neutral color.”

One major point of concern regarding AI is the observation that it is only as accurate as the data introduced to it and if introduced to a biased data set; AI shall also be biased. Aniya Greene-Santos of the National Education Association said generative AI has its biases and discrimination buried in its algorithm. Such biases can be against the marginalized groups which then will tend to create what can be interpreted as a gap between the digital and the analogue world. The desire to implement artificial intelligence utilization in education, for the most part, follows the concern for the expenses, and there might be a void in the educational environment in which only schools who can afford to correctly buy the best application of artificial intelligence are the ones who can do it. E. Stefan Kehlenbach actually discusses these issues in their article and calls educators to think of how the advantages outweigh the costs of society.

3. AI : Can It Replace Teachers?

It has more to do with nurturing relationships and designing and nurturing the minds of those that go through a educational system. Some of the issues that have been addressed in this article include Job insecurity where through online classes it is argued that teachers are likely to lose their jobs; the financial constrain; and the over-emphasis on the use of technology. It says that it is impossible to replace a teacher in a learning process as only a person can combine academic knowledge with an individual concern.

Final Thoughts: Finding the Balance

The integration of AI in education has numerous prospects, though, we have to admit that we should do that properly. The three main points that are to be underlined include the privacy concerns in relation to the AI systems, FAIRness of the AI, and the teacher as a unique part of the educational process. Thus, there is a possibility to formulate effective strategies of education that apply the AI in the progress of learning and, at the same time, shield learners from the devastating effects of AI in their lives. Finally, it is critical to recognize the benefits that artificial intelligence can offer to education as we move forward. The goal should be to refocus and develop teachers’ ability to offer well-targeted and impactful education, rather than to replace them. Let us welcome this transition and educate our students for a future in which AI-powered education enables them to realize all that they can be.

6 thoughts on “The Big Debate: Is AI transforming education for the better or worse?

  1. Your blog piece is an excellent discussion of the impact of AI in education, emphasising both its potential benefits and the issues it presents. You conducted a detailed and careful analysis of AI’s role in education, giving a complex viewpoint that recognises both its transformational potential and the need for cautious, ethical deployment. I think we must teach the ethical use of AI not just for school assessment; beyond the classroom, what role do you envision for ethics in the usage of AI?

    • Thanks very much for your constructive comments.Other than education, I imagine ethics in AI as an essential aspect of the workplace to keep the privacy of the client also prevent biases in hiring process and during decision making, health care system to maintain the privacy of the patient, social media and online relationships to avoid dangers by asking OTP’s and to exploit its advantages properly. I hope I am able to answer as per your expectations.

  2. The point many people forget is that AI has to be trained before it can be personalized. Many students and teachers turn to AI and get upset when it doesn’t give them what they were expecting right away. They then spend more time doing a task they probably could have done themselves in ten minutes. I have been there as well at the start of my exploration of AI. However, when one takes time to learn how to prompt (or use AI with built-in prompts), it does become easier. From there we have to train AI to do what we want, just like a puppy. It just takes time.

    • Yes, Carol, that is right! AI is an invention of ours and not a magic wand. It takes considerable effort to customize it for our own purposes. We must remember that AI is meant to supplement us, not supplant our abilities.

  3. Great post. I love that you really detailed both sides of the debate. This is one where I really wish I was in class for because it seemed to give a lot of insight and provided me with information that I did not have prior to. It is something that I am looking forward to continue exploring with my students (after I do some more research on my own).

  4. Your post on the debate about AI in education is thorough and thought-provoking. I especially appreciate how you detailed both the potential benefits and the significant concerns surrounding AI integration. The main takeaway for me is the importance of balancing AI’s capabilities with ethical considerations and human oversight.

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