ECS 210 Blogs

Place-Based Curriculum

For this week’s blog post I found an article on place-based education. The article I found was Engaging Underrepresented High School Students in an Urban Environmental and Geoscience Place-Based Curriculum by Amy De Felice, Jennifer D. Adams, Brett Branco and Pieranna Pieroni. In the article, they did a study on high school students to see the impact place-based education has on their learning. Their research essentially focused on the correlation between place-based learning and student’s engagement in science (Adams 50). It is encouraging as an educator to see students fully engaged in topics and having a desire to learn. Their research also found that students who were given an inquiry-based project helped to build confidence in their knowledge and understanding of a topic (Adams 52). I think as a future educator is it valuable to know different ways that students learn and are engaged. This article was informative and useful in helping to see the benefits of place-based curriculum.

This article was valuable in determining the topic I want to do for my assignment. I think it is important to seek place-based education in numerous subject areas and I am excited to learn about this topic more.

My next step will be to find other supporting articles that both are for and against the place-based approach. I think it is useful to have a well rounded view of this approach before making a solid opinion for or against it.

One Comment

  • shs406

    This is a very important topic, the article sounds very informative. I have only have a few opportunities as a student to take part in inquiry assignments and they can be challenging because they are not as common but I do enjoy them and find they make learning better!

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