ECS 303 Fall Term 2020
Inclusive Education –
One statement that stood out to me in this resource and guided my planning of my e-portfolio was the thought of education being student centred. This resource gives tips on practicing inclusion within our classroom and school community. This is a great resource that I will continue to use in my educational career and in my teaching career.
Powerful Instructional Practices –
This resource is a wonderful way to become familiar with different instructional practices. Many of these instructional practices I had never heard of prior to this class. Through the investigation of the document, I have been able to put some of these approaches into practice.
Honoring our Students’ Names – Honor Their Names – Rethinking Schools
This was a powerful reading that we had for our course. This reading gave me a new perspective on the importance of a name. This reading not only helped me to rethink the way I want to shape my teaching philosophies, it also helped me to look into myself and see my own biases. I am thankful for this reading and it is something I will carry forward with me.