I Made an Earring Tray! – Second Learning Project Post

This weekend I finally had the chance to sit down and start my learning project. My cats have been taking up a lot of my time recently as they were both sick, long story short I learned that cats can need prozac and Louie is one of those cats.

Anyways, I went to Michaels and got all my supplies then got started as soon as I got home. My first task was to learn the skills I mentioned in my last post, so I figured YouTube would be the best place to start. I found this video that worked really well for me, Air Dry Clay Basics- Eanna Merighi.

Eanna covers all the basics in this video and more so it was very nice to not have to search around through different videos to find all the steps. In the video she creates a earring tray so I followed along and created my own!

I really enjoyed myself creating this mini project! It was relaxing to just sit there and create something new. I didn’t find it too difficult, and I can’t wait to see and share my finished results! My next steps are to paint and seal my tray, then it will be ready to go. I think my next task will be to try making a couple fridge magnets, so I can practice creating details and work on connecting clay pieces together!

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Thanks for reading!

One thought on “I Made an Earring Tray! – Second Learning Project Post

  1. Hello Kendra!

    It sounds like you’ve had quite a week! Balancing taking care of your cats and diving into your learning project shows a lot of dedication. I’m glad to hear Louie is getting the care he needs. The process of working with air-dry clay sounds both relaxing and rewarding. It’s exciting to hear that you’re enjoying the experience and are looking forward to the next steps. Painting and sealing your tray will undoubtedly add a beautiful finish to your work. Your plan to make fridge magnets next is a fantastic idea. It’ll give you more opportunities to refine your skills and experiment with details and connections. Can’t wait to see how your projects turn out! Keep up the great work and enjoy every moment of your creative journey!

    Nikol Ostrovski

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