Thanks to a TikTok filter, I have found out that me and Wi-Fi are the same age! Wi-Fi is a bit older, but regardless I thought that was quite interesting. This fact got me thinking about how quickly our digital world is evolving. What will this look like for our classrooms and for ourselves as educators?
I found Wesch’s video, An Anthropological Introduction to YouTube, to be quite eye-opening. In 2008 I was 10 years old and used all of my available computer time on Webkinz, (if you know, you know) so these internet trends were all new to me. I have only ever heard of the “Numa Numa” video through other forms of media, but to be able to see now how big of an impact this video had on the internet was shocking. It is very cool to be able to say that we all lived through the pioneering of culture of participation. Today, I would say that the culture of participation is only growing larger, and will continue to grow and evolve.
As for tech in the classroom, I am very excited to embrace the use of it. Engaging students with participatory culture can be a fun way to learn and get students excited about learning. I think educators should still be a bit weary of what is and isn’t allowed in the classroom. Even though student’s are becoming more and more tech savy, it is vital that they understand the how to properly use it as a tool, and not a crutch.
Thanks for reading!